An umbrella policy is an additional layer of liability insurance that protects you and your assets above and beyond the coverage of your home or auto insurance. If you live in or near Dorchester, MA, Vargas & Vargas Insurance has experienced agents who can help to explain the value of an umbrella policy and why it could be right for you.
If you have any assets at all an umbrella policy is valuable protection. Home insurance and car insurance policies have liability limits that are often not high enough to protect you adequately. If you are found to be at fault or even if you are not ultimately found to be at fault, the legal fees can be quite high. If the case is not decided in your favor and your insurance liability is not enough to cover the judgment, you may be required to pay the remainder of the money yourself. It could take all of your saving and assets and even your future assets to make that payment.
With an umbrella policy, when the maximum is reached on your home or auto policy, your umbrella policy kicks in and pays up to the maximum amount of the policy. Most umbrella policies are from one to five million dollars. It is easier to sleep at night knowing that you are protected today and into the future.
You have worked hard to accumulate the assets that you have. Protecting them is important for your peace of mind. At Vargas & Vargas Insurance in Dorchester, MA, our friendly and knowledgeable staff are ready and waiting to help you get the coverage that you need. Give our office a call or stop by and let us help you understand the benefits of this important coverage and get a no-obligation quote. Visit our website for more information.