Can you believe that it’s football season already? It may seem like this year just began, but it’s already time to get out your pom-poms and root for your favorite team!
As you probably know, there’s nothing better than having some friends over and enjoying Football Sunday as a group. Before you have a party, though, make sure you read over these tips from the staff at Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency:
Get Your Space Ready
Football can rile people up like nothing else, so make sure that your space is ready to accommodate potentially rowdy party guests. Check to ensure that there is enough seating for all of your guests, and tidy up the room. You may even want to move breakable objects into an ‘off-limits’ space, just to be sure that none of your valuables (or guests) will get hurt when there’s a touchdown or a bad call. Decide where you will serve your food and drinks, and cover the area with a tablecloth for easy clean up in case of a spill.
Arrange Fun Decorations
Make your gathering a bit more festive with a few themed decorations. This time of year, party stores have lots of football and sports-themed merchandise, or you could get creative and make your own. For a little added rivalry, decorate the room in the colors of the two teams that you will be watching! You can keep it low key or go all out with your décor, it’s up to you! Keep kids busy before (and during) the game by letting them help with the decorations – making posters is a great activity to keep little hands occupied.
Prepare the Food
Before you do any menu planning, make sure that you know if any of your guests have a food allergy. If possible, avoid using any allergens when preparing the food you will serve. If that’s not possible, then make it very clear to the person with an allergy what food(s) they need to avoid.
When you’re ready to plan out what you will serve, focus your attention on small foods that are easy to eat. Chef in Training suggests several different chip and dip alternatives, as well as other pop-able snacks and sweet treats.
Put Safety First
Any time that you invite people over to your home, it is your responsibility as the host of the gathering to put safety first. This means taking every precaution to ensure that your guests aren’t harmed. We have already mentioned two ways to do this: clearing potentially dangerous objects from guest areas and being aware of guest food allergies. You should also be wary if you will be serving alcohol during the game – never let a guest get behind the wheel if they’ve had too much to drink.
If you do find yourself in a pickle after a party, don’t hesitate to call Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency. As your Massachusetts renters or homeowners insurance provider, we can help you file a liability claim that will financially protect you from the medical and/or legal fees that may arise as a result of an incident. Hopefully, though, you can follow these tips and have a fantastic football party for your friends and family.