Your Insurance is in place to protect you from risks that may affect your wealth and your health. When an incident occurs, you’ll want to file your claim in order to receive payment for your loss as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Luckily, there are two easy steps to ensure a smooth claim process. Best news of all, you can manage these two easy suggestions in a short time, maybe even while you’re binge watching whatever is the latest and greatest on Netflix.
#1: Paperwork
Gather your insurance policies to an easy-to-find (and easy to remember) location. You might want to consider scanning your policies to PDFs and saving those on your Smartphone, home computer, or Cloud Storage.
If you’re saving paper or scanning to PDF, be mindful with how you label each document. Using the Insurance Carrier’s name along with the purpose of the policy is helpful. For example, “ABC INSURANCE Homeowners Policy.”
Use different color post-it notes strategically placed on each paper document to easily flip through multiple policies. If you’re storing PDFs on a computer or Cloud drive, create different folders for each policy and be sure to “rename” each PDF for easy search. In a pinch you’ll want to quickly locate “XYZ MUTUAL INSURANCE 2017 PONTIAC.”
#2: Photos
Smartphones make it easy to snap photos of your belongings around your home or to grab a quick photo of damage to your vehicle after an incident. Be sure to have the date stamp feature enabled.
In your home, while running your vacuum around or changing the bed linens, snap photos in each room where you have valuable belongings. Take a photo of the entire room, too, with different angles. Capture clear, up close photos of individual valuables.
Upload your photos and save to your home computer or Cloud Storage. Or both.
We’d be honored to spend a few minutes with you to discuss how to organize your files, review to see if your valuables are insured properly or to prepare the step-by-step of the “what to do” and “what not to do” after a claim.
When you’re organized in advance, your claim can be processed efficiently. This gets you paid faster in order to begin the repairs.
You can call us now for a free educational moment or to review your existing insurance policies to be sure you’re covered for every eventuality. Call now at 617-298-0655 or text us at 617-409-0329. Click here to Visit our Contact Us page.