Condominium (Condo) Buyers should obtain and review the financial statement of the Condo as part of your purchase process. Have the statement reviewed by a professional such as an Attorney or CPA. The financial health of the Condo can affect you in the future as you settle into ownership of your Condo unit. The financial statements can also give you a good indication of the competence of the Condo Board and Managing Agent.
Condo Complexes on the smaller size may be exempt from having their financials audited. The ByLaws will identify if an audit is required. Audited financials means the CPA firm has verified the numbers presented in the statement rather than compiling from information provided by the Condominium Board Members and/or Managing Agent.
The financial statement should cover the previous two years (three is preferable) and often a Year-to-Date statement. A Financial Statement includes:
- Income and Expenses for the entire Condominium. This is also known as “Operating Statement.”
- Balance Sheet demonstrating Assets and Liabilities.
- Cash Flow Statement.
Some key areas you want to focus on include:
- Reserve Fund (for major capital repairs and improvements),
- Cash Flow to determine if the building is taking in as much money as it is paying out monthly, Maintenance Fees owed (an indicator of the financial responsibility of your soon-to-be-neighbors),
- Footnotes.
The financial well-being of your future home is as important to the transaction as every other aspect of your purchase. Request the Financial Statement as early as possible in the negotiating process, even before you’ve presented your Offer, if possible.
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