Happy Monday again, friends!
I love to start each week with some positive words of wisdom, and this week’s are:

Last week I started talking about the clutter that we all have in our heads that crowds out the great thoughts that come to us on a daily basis. I sad that I would share with you my simple solution, so here it is:
I take a “thoughts” journal notebook everywhere that I go. Every time I have an idea, I write it down in my journal. Every time I think of something I need to do, I write it down in that notebook. Every time that I have a meeting, I keep my notes in the journal. Then, about twice a day, I grab my notebook and prioritize what needs to be done, and then actually do it or delegate it (delegation and leveraging is where the actual power is).
This keeps my head clear of the clutter, gets rid of the feelings of being overwhelmed, and frees my mind to plan even more massive results for our business and my life! Then I simply start prioritizing which of those activities will give me the biggest most massive results, and I actually get them done (or have them done for me).
All this by simply investing in a $10 thoughts journal. I used to buy mine locally, but my local stationary store stopped carrying this particular type of journal, so I get it from, you guessed it, Amazon.
By the way, I carry this journal everywhere that I go, including to meetings, coffees, lunches with referral partners and friends, and Toastmasters. When I go to bed, it is on my night stand because it helps me clear the clutter before I go to sleep (which gives me a great night’s sleep!) I have also found that some of my best ideas have come to me while sleeping and I write them down as soon as I wake up.
Take action and make it happen! I would love to hear some of your best ideas too!
Next week, why multitasking should be a “four letter word!”