Are you getting your week off to a good start, friend?
I have a question for you – Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough to do something?

In my message last week, I told you all about how I was encouraged by the state of the independent insurance industry as I was at an IOA conference that I attended recently. At that conference, I also spoke on using video in business.
I told the whole room full of people during my speech that their excuses as to why they weren’t making videos were dumb. I said, “You’re worried that you’re fat. I am fat, and I am definitely not the handsomest guy in the world. You may worry that you are too old, but I am old. The truth is, you are. You’re fat. You’re ugly. You’re old, face these facts and make videos anyway.”
It got laughs. SOME of the people that laughed probably thought, ‘Carlos just called me out on my BS and he’s right. I’ll make a video.’ Other people laughed in that nervous way that showed they were worried I was looking into them.
Here is the point: Sometimes you’re a loser. So what? I am… Still. After all these years. And then I’m a winner. And then I’m too fat. And then sometimes I get the bug to get fit again (feel like it just bitten me again on this last trip to hit the gym).
If I tell you how often to send an email out, great. If you ask me about the mechanics of podcasting, wonderful. But who cares what you’re doing as long as your audience perceives it as valuable?
Here is a hint: no one cares if you’re successful as much as they care that you’re helping them solve a problem in their lives. I mean, they want you to win, want you to be okay, etc. But if you’re connecting with people for your business, it’s not like they’re losing sleep over you.
In all cases, the stories I’ll remember most were the ones where someone was real with me. People who were willing to be vulnerable made me want to reach back and help.
But the ones who I asked how they were doing and they responded “great” and “busy” – not so much!
Thank you for reading!