I’ve got a mug of Ethiopian Limu from my local favorite coffee roaster Flat Black Coffee. I made it for myself in my Bialetti coffee maker. How about you? What are you drinking? Comment below, I’d love to hear from you!
As you know, I like to start each week with some words of wisdom, this week’s words, with my awesome coffee in hand, are:
“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” – Henry David Thoreau

The future is coming quicker than you think! In fact, the future is here and it’s NOW!
You need to learn about data and new concepts like the Internet of Things. You need to understand how technological changes like artificial intelligence (AI) will affect businesses. I’m not saying to imagine that you need all of this, because you do. I’m saying the future is coming. So now, imagine how you will feel when the future arrives on your front doorstep. Will you feel overwhelmed?
The way to avoid feeling overwhelmed isn’t just learning about the latest trend. You can’t possibly learn fast enough to “keep up.” Keeping up is overwhelming. Calm yourself down by knowing your spot.
If the marketplace is shifting, where do you want to go? How do you fit? How can you contribute? This is your spot, and you must know it.
If you sell real estate: make a smart website and make it easy for anyone and everyone to find you.
If you are in the mortgage business: answer all the questions that people have when buying a home so you are considered a resource and you become the first call they make for all things, MORTGAGES.
If you were hired into a new role, where do you go to figure out new stuff required for the new position?
The prerequisite is: Learn something.
Connect with others and listen to their perspective and their resources. Then learn more from them and from your own efforts. That’s how you’ll get through all these changes. That’s how you’ll figure out where you fit, what matters, etc.
Think of how these changes will hit from all angles. For instance, if you run a vacuum store and Roomba vacuums are the future, how are you going to position yourself in front of potential customers so you’re top of mind to solve their problem? How do you compete?
Connect with people. Listen to their perspective. Learn what’s trending.
Next week, I want to share some tips with you on how you can work on your wealth. Don’t forget to comment about the morning beverage—coffee, tea or other—you’re drinking to commence your awesome day!