Small businesses depend on each and every member of their team to maintain productivity. In some cases, there may be individuals who have particular skills that are crucial to continued operations. While your Massachusetts small business insurance package might offer you excellent general coverage, you may need to consider specific coverage to offer financial protection in the event that something happens to a person on whom your business is very reliant.

Key person coverage is a form of life insurance that is designed to provide financial protection for this type of situation. Unlike a personal life insurance policy, it is held by your business and the business becomes the beneficiary in the event that something happens and you need to claim on the policy.
You should discuss this with any employees you are considering for this coverage. They may or may not already have life insurance. However, if they don’t, you could suggest that they take out a personal policy to protect their family’s financial future, as your policy will not do that.
Massachusetts small business insurance can work best for your business if you take the time to work through all the specific risks your business may face. That way, you can work with your agent to put together a collection of policies that are designed to offer back up in case you suffer any losses or damage due to those risks.