Your condo is your home. It’s the place where you make memories. Insuring it properly can be confusing because condos are a little more complicated to insure than your typical home. Condo unit owners share responsibility for the home with the condominium association. What does this mean, and how does it affect your insurance? Vargas & Vargas insurance can help you navigate the often confusing world of condo insurance and condo insurance terms.
General Condo Insurance Terms
A condominium (condo) is a unit that is individually owned within a building that contains other units, which are also privately owned. All unit owners share ownership of commons areas, including pools, gyms, playgrounds, etc.
The insured is the person coverage is being provided for, generally the owner of the condo. The insurer is the insurance company providing the coverage for your condo.
Additional Insured
The declarations page will list the additional insured, along with the insured. The additional insured is anyone else other than the condo owner who has a legal interest in the home. The most common additional insured for a condo policy is the mortgage company. An additional insured will be notified of the policy renewal and if the policy is in danger of cancellation. They may also be payees on larger claims checks.
Condo Association/Condo Association Master Policy
A condo association is an organization that handles the day-to-day operations and decision-making for a condo community. They and the policies they handle are the major differences between home insurance and condo insurance.
This includes purchasing a condo association master insurance policy. The master policy covers the areas common to all unit owners. The unit owners are typically responsible for everything within the unit’s walls. The condo association master policy covers the rest of the commonly owned structures. However, each policy can be different, so understanding your condo association’s master policy is essential to understand your own condo insurance needs.
Policy Period
This is the time period your condo is currently insured for, which is usually one year. Most condo policies renew automatically, assuming you continue to pay the premium.
The annual amount you pay for your condo insurance is called the insurance premium. This premium can usually be divided into convenient payments of monthly, quarterly, or semiannual installments if it’s not paid directly to the insurance company through your mortgage escrow account.
The deductible is the amount the insured (the condo unit owner) is responsible for in the event of a claim. If a claim is less than the deductible amount, the insurance company bears no responsibility for payment of the claim. If the claim is more than the deductible, the deductible will be subtracted from the claim’s total amount before the insurer pays out. The deductible does not go to the insurance company.
An all-risk insurance policy covers all potential causes of loss other than those specifically excluded in the policy. A named-peril policy covers events if the policy lists out those specific causes of loss. While an all-risk policy can be more inclusive, it is generally much more expensive and not as common. Most insurers choose to cover the most common risks, providing a broad scope of protection while keeping premiums affordable.
Replacement Cost (RCV/ACV)
When you purchase your condo, the sales price is based on the market value of your home. The desirability of the location and many other factors determine that price. But when you have a loss, the location’s desirability has no bearing on the cost to rebuild your home or replace your roof. That’s why it is important to understand the difference in replacement cost and actual cash value.
The replacement cost value is the cost to replace a damaged item or item, whether it be your TV or all of your belongings. The actual cash value takes into account the depreciated value of the item. For example, if your sofa is five years old, then you got five years’ worth of value from your sofa. So your company will take a deduction from the amount paid for your claim that takes into consideration the age of the sofa. Knowing which type of coverage you have before a claim can prevent many misunderstandings.
General condo insurance terms are important to know, but there are many more terms that can make all the difference in understanding your condo insurance. For more insurance terms, see part two of Condo Insurance Terms You Need to Know.
Vargas & Vargas Insurance is a premier local independent insurance agency. We work for our clients and not the insurance company. We will customize your insurance coverage to your specific needs at the right price and are also here to answer all of your insurance questions. So contact us today.