Vargas & Vargas Insurance

1133 Washington St
Dorchester, MA 02124

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“Change is hard, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.”

“Change is hard, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.”
-Robin Sharma

Change is hard. I know this for a fact, as I’m experiencing it right now!

Picture this…I’m sitting in my house right now instead of sitting in traffic like I’ve done for 37 years.

As you probably know from my online posts, Kathy and I moved from our Stoughton home of 33 years to Dorchester Lower Mills, just around the corner from the Vargas and Vargas office. Believe me, this change has not been easy all the time, but change never is – even when we know it is the right thing to do.

One of the upsides of our move has been that we now spend less time in traffic, and have more time together, more time to get regular exercise, and more time in the wonderful community of Dorchester.

Recently, Vargas and Vargas has also made some changes. We have updated our client management system and our website (you can now send us a TEXT to our agency 617-213-2820 and much more to come, stay tuned) to help customers and friends like you contact our trusted referral partners!

We’ve always had a partners page on our site, but we hope that this will be a resource for you and anyone you know that is looking for any of the following professionals:

  • Accountant
  • Attorney
  • Contractor
  • Electrician
  • Estate Planner
  • Financial Advisor
  • Home Inspector
  • Loan Officer
  • Plumber
  • Realtor®
  • And More!

(Send me a message and I can let you know how you be on our partner’s list)

And while you are visiting our new website, don’t forget to check out our blog. It is always being updated with insurance tips, helpful advice, and much more.

How to Start Recycling – We Can Help!
Auto Insurance Q&A: Borrowing the Car
Best and Worst Places to Store Your Wedding Rings
Building Permits for Residential Renovations

So what does our change of address have to do with making you more money?

Many professionals start their businesses filled with excitement and passion for their new venture, but quickly realize that building a brand is hard work! Once that realization sets in and business problems begin to surface, it is very easy to get disgruntled and lose your motivation for what you originally set out to accomplish.

In the beginning, your passion creates energy that keeps you moving forward, builds excitement for the next project, and helps overcome fears and obstacles. However, maintaining that passion can be difficult as time goes on, and you might find yourself in a “rut,” or longing to reconnect with the spark that once drove your business. Whether this longing resonates with you currently or you’re teetering back and forth on the fence of business growth, it’s imperative to implement 6 practices into your business to regain focus and reignite your flame! We’ll cover the first 3 this week, so stay tuned for next week’s insider to tie all 6 together!

1. Stay focused on your core business – There are a million money making ideas out there that can distract you from what your core business is all about. If you can’t draw a direct connection from a new loan or listing to your new venture, scrap it! It will only distract you from making money and growing your business.

2. Take inspiration from SUCCESSFUL professionals – Surround yourself with positive individuals who have achieved success and are passionate about what they do. They’ll motivate, excite and remind you of why you’re in business. The right individuals will build you up with a “can do” attitude, and offer you proven methods of achieving your goals.

3. Manage your time effectively – Unfortunately, if you don’t set aside time to do important tasks like following up with new clients and building referral relationships (making FROG calls), phone calls and emails can keep you busy all day long! Make sure that you schedule time in your day that’s committed to taking care of the fundamentals of business development which make you money and keep you excited! If you need assistance with time blocking, I can help!

And know that you are LOVED!


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Get The Recognition You Deserve With NAHREP’s Top 250 Award!

Get the Recognition You Deserve with NAHREP’s Top 250 Award! 

The Top 250 Award has become one of the most recognized and decorated programs in real estate. Honorees earn recognition from their peers and industry leaders as drivers who set the industry standard. Nominate a real estate agent or a mortgage originator for the Top 250 award before March 31.
Click here to learn more

Also, check out NAHREP Boston’s  1st Annual Business Rally #BETOP10

Topics Include:
– NAHREP 10: Principle 2- Be in the Top 10% of your profession
– How To use Social Media to promote your business
– How to Grow Your Business Through Networking and Referrals

Thursday, April 6th, 2017 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Registration starts at 2:30 PM
Networking from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Food will be provided, Performance by Pachanga Latina

Hilton Boston/Woburn: 2 Forbes Road, Woburn, MA 01801


Please click on “Enter Promotional Code.” Type in your email address used to register to NAHREP. Click on “Apply,” member tickets will be shown. Choose the number of tickets. Click on “Register.” For help, please call (857) 288-1493
For questions and sponsorship opportunities Email us at or call (857) 288-1493
Click here to learn more

Hispanic homeownership increased for the second consecutive year, click here to read more.

We are here to help you or anyone your are working with, with their home or condominium closing. Whether it’s to review their current insurance policy or provide them with a quote, we would love to hear from you.  Just send an email to our team at with your buyers’ information and we will do the rest!

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The Mentor (and me YIKES)

As always I like to start the day with some positive words:

“I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
-Thomas A. Edison

Even though we can see that the circumstances of today are different than those of our past, our tendency is to write today’s story using our past circumstances.

  • We tell this year’s story using last year’s point of view.
  • We enter a new relationship with baggage from the old one.
  • We start a creative project with judgments and biases of the past.

I’m all for wisdom and learning from our mistakes, the key is to strike a balance between what you already know and the willingness to look at what lies ahead of you as a blank canvas. If you clutter the canvas with your existing biases, knowledge, and judgment, you leave little room for innovation.

Once you realize that every single moment of your life is temporary, you can finally separate yourself from your circumstances. But sometimes our temporary circumstances last longer than we want them to.

  • It takes a bit longer for you to lose the weight
  • Your business grows slower than you thought it would
  • Debt is not paid off as soon as you had hoped
  • You’re single for longer than you thought you’d be

When your temporary circumstances last longer than you hoped they would, it’s easy to fall back into believing they are your identity.

This is one of the most important times to remember that everything is temporary. I know it can be hard to see something that lasts for many years as temporary. But I believe that anyone who has achieved anything of great significance sees their struggle as short-lived.

  • I’m single, but the next one will be the girl of my dreams
  • I am unemployed (or underemployed) but I know that things will change if I give it time
  • I may be at rock bottom but what’s coming is a spectacular take off

You have to believe in a future that doesn’t look like today. I was having breakfast with my friend and mentor Vasco Rodrigues this morning at his favorite breakfast joint (can you guess where it is? Hit reply now and let me know) and he said “People who do great things always believe their idea at that moment is the best idea in the world – even when it’s not.”  POWERFUL!

They believe so strongly in the future that “THIS IS TEMPORARY” becomes the lens through which they see the world.

I hope that you have someone like Vasco in your life, (read this Forbes article on why most successful people have a mentor)!  He is responsible for all that I am and all that I have, as he saw “something” in a two job working 20-year-old community college dropout and hired me. (Do you see what he saw? Scroll down – just don’t laugh). And as Paul Harvey use to say “now you know the rest of the story”.

03-03-2017 We’ve been meeting for breakfast for over 30 years, taken at one of our breakfast places

03-27-2012 UMASS Boston’s Chancellor’s Award for Longstanding Community Commitment and Service

03-17-2015 Saint Patrick’s Day Celebration Norwood MA.


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Happy Presidents Day!

Happy Presidents Day!

Our offices are open today.

“Not in vain has Lincoln lived, for he has helped to make this republic an example of justice, with no caste but the caste of humanity.”  ~George Bancroft

We hope that you are planning a great weekend with your #family and #friends!

Check out all of the goings on in and around #Boston this Presidents Day weekend, Click here

With spring-like temperatures upon us this weekend, please consider reading our blog on how to prevent ice dams. Click here to read our blog.


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Fear And Confidence


“If every lover was treated like they matter every day, Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be so special.”
-Mokokoma Mokhonoana

I am enjoying a great cup of Brazilian Mogiana coffee locally roasted by our friends at Flat Black Coffee. What are you drinking? Reply below and let me know!

I thought that I would drink this coffee and write a Valentine’s Day message, but nothing has come to me. It’s Thursday and it’s snowing outside, so Instead, I have decided to write about Fear and Confidence.

You remember my message from the past on Fear, and it seems only natural to follow that up by walking through how to build up your Confidence. I can tell you that one of the core element of being successful in business (and in life) is confidence. But you know this – mostly because you know how bad it feels when you lack confidence.

How is your confidence?

It turns out that the more small successes you rack up, the more you’ll feel ready to take on something bigger. You need wins. Believe it or not, I learned this from playing video games with my sons. In most games, the first few minutes are dedicated to teaching you the mechanics. Angry Birds teaches you how to hit a green pig with a bird. Super Mario Brothers teaches you to hop on goombas and break bricks. Pac Man (my all time favorite game) starts out simple and gets more complex.

The real world is a bit more tricky, but you can steal the same mechanics of gaming to build your confidence. When you take on a job, no one gives you an “easy” level when you’re starting out. When you go into business for yourself, it’s often that sense of being “thrown into the deep end.”

However, you are the owner of your experience. You can decide that you want to “level up” the way you do in video games. How? The answer is simple – “wins.”

Confidence runs on wins: More wins = More confidence

Let’s take sales, for example. If you’re in business of any kind, you need more customers. Of this, I have no doubt. So what are you doing right now? Most of the people who read this newsletter are wondering just how much blogging, Tweeting, Snapchatting, and Facebooking they have to do to get a customer. You’re probably losing faith. Your confidence is dipping.

Instead of getting down, make some small wins for yourself. Here are a few examples of tasks that will create these wins to boost your confidence:

  • I’m going to make 10 specific “asks” to 10 different people who might be the right fit for what I sell. The WIN is that you ask, not whether they buy.
  • I’m going to write a sales letter by Monday afternoon. The win is that the letter is written.
  • I’ll send that letter Tuesday (another win).
  • I’ll follow up in personalized emails. I’ll make sure I do 20 a day. Another win.
  • I am going to call 10 of my past clients today, and see how they are doing (don’t start thinking that they will be upset, it’s too long since I last called, etc. Here’s a secret – people think a lot less about us than we think they do).
  • Everyone that I meet I will FROG (ask about their Family, Recreation, Occupation and Goals).
  • I will add to my referral network (if you need help doing this, I’d love to help)
  • I will get at least one more sale this week than I did last week. Win.

See what I’m doing? Take the bigger task and break it down a bit. Find what will constitute a victory and accomplish it. Stack up more and more of those and you’ll see your confidence rise.

This is true of everything you want to accomplish. Need to lose 30 pounds? Make a win be going to the gym for 3 days this week. Make another win be drinking one gallon of water every day. Once those little victories start stacking up, you’ll have more confidence to tackle bigger tasks.

Are you scared of public speaking? Start with a blog post. Then a video. Then a free speech to a small group. Then a bigger group, etc.

Set up paths that take you from the simple wins to the bigger ones. Everything works better this way, I promise. The world may not line up neatly, but you, the owner of your destiny (and your fear), can line it up.

Go! Do it now.

And know that you are loved.

PS: Should you know of anyone who has an insurance question or need an honest insurance quote or review, I would be honored if you would keep our agency in mind. Click here

PPS: Here’s what I learned today ” How to spot a fake friend request” Click here


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Friends Are The Most Important Ingredient

“Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life.”
– Dior Yamasaki

I thought this week I would give you a few Facebook tips that I have found very helpful in our business.

In the presentations that I do, I’m often asked for tips and strategies to create and connect with friends and customers on Facebook.

Here’s a few:

  1. When a person “likes” your Facebook post, always respond with a comment with their name in it. Use their name to personalize the comment.

If you start to type their name in, Facebook will fill it in, and it will tag them.  If you want to make it more personal, you can back out their last name, which is what I suggest.

Here are some examples:

Mary, I love that you enjoyed this.

Mary, I knew this message would resonate with you.

Mary, I love it when you like what I share.

2. In the beginning of the post that you do, encourage people to share it with others. What I do is simply write on the top of the post:
“This is worth sharing with your friends.”


“Please share.”

Put a message either at the top of your post or at the end of the post encouraging people to give it away.

  1. When someone shares your post, send them a “private message” thanking them for doing so.

    Here are a couple of examples:

    Mary, thank you for sharing my post.

    Mary, I am so glad that you found my post helpful, thank you for the share.

    Mary, thank you for the share! I hope that you are well and business is going well, let’s meet for coffee soon.

  2. If a person comments, always “like” their comment and respond to it with a question.

For example, if a person says, “That is really cool”, you would comment and ask them what is it about his that you found to be cool?

Just have some fun with it.  When people comment, don’t let them hang, go back and say something about what they said.  You want to encourage and facilitate a conversation and therefore build the relationship with them.

  1. Don’t forget to wish your friends a happy birthday on their birthdays.
  2. Use the list feature to sort our your friends, clients, colleagues, acquaintances, etc.  Learn more about Facebook lists here.

Why is this Key?  I call it the “Law of Familiarity”, the more communication, in whatever form, you have with people, the more familiar they become with you.

The reality is that people love to do business with the people they know, like and trust, and they love to refer others to people they are familiar with. Facebook is the ultimate way to create a high level of familiarity with others.

I LOVE connecting with people. In fact, if there was just one thing I feel that I am THE EXPERT in, it is branding and marketing. I use what I have learned to work with a few local business folks on how to connect and grow their brand both online and offline.

I am so committed to these local business friends that we have a Monday accountability call each week. The good news is that I have room for a couple more of these Monday accountability calls. So, look at 2017 – if you’re trying to START or GROW your personal brand, let me know. We’ll spend a little time together, and I will give you an assessment and a clear direction on HOW TO CRUSH 2017 to BOOST YOUR PERSONAL BRAND. Want to meet in person? We can do that too. All you have to do is comment below now, and I promise to make time for you because you are important to me.

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“When The Leader Lacks Confidence”

As people, we sometimes find ourselves in situations that leave us feeling uncomfortable and uneasy. As business people, leaders, entrepreneurs, and solopreneurs, that’s pretty much a constant.

Being scared is part of being alive. Accept it. Walk through it.
-Robin Sharma

You know what I mean, it could be something positive—maybe speaking to a large crowd, launching a new product, or meeting with an important client.

It could be something negative—a confrontational meeting, an unexpected call, or an ambush instead of an actual sale.

In my experience, as a business person and leader, the day is filled with a mix of both the positive and negative. And, if you’re like me, sometimes we don’t always feel up to either.

Challenges are a constant, but confidence is not. It comes and goes. It ebbs and flows, but we have to learn from both and become better at dealing with our uncomfortable zone.

I experience the greatest doubt and anxiety at the start of something new and big. Whether it’s good or bad, I’m usually fine once I’m going. But until then, I’m like the person on the tip of a black diamond ski slope, overlooking way too much white powder.

Here’s the problem: If you’re a leader, going back isn’t optional. You have to go—and you have to go first.

So, how can we kick fear to the curb long enough to get off the slopes? For me, it comes down to connecting with three critical truths. And I think these can help anyone facing a moment of doubt or uncertainty.

Truth No. 1: They Matter

Whoever you’re dealing with, whatever their circumstances, they matter. This is non-negotiable for gaining confidence. Why? Because it draws us out of ourselves and our own concerns and doubts.

Truth No. 2: It Matters

Not only do others matter, but so do our solutions. As business people and leaders, our job is to meet needs. We could also say—just as easily and accurately—our job is to show how our offer meets our client’s needs.

Truth No. 3: I Matter

Frankly, this truth might be the hardest for some of us to believe. The people you’re dealing with matter. And yes, you know what best addresses their situation, even if it’s bad news.

You have to believe in yourself. Let these thoughts fill your mind and  see how they sound:

  • I am not here by accident. God sent me. To this person (or people or company). At exactly this time.
  • What I have to share is vitally important. It matters, to them, to their loved ones, and to the world.
  • I have all the resources I need to make a positive difference in this situation.

Go ahead and jump!.

This is not going to solve all your problems. You’ll still have the uncomfortable meeting and the angry clients. But who cares?

QUESTION: What big move, positive or negative are you dreading right now? I would love to know, leave a comment below.

That’s it for this week!

Now, go out and DOMINATE your week!


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How Podcasts Saved My Life

Did I grab your attention with my headline?


When I say that podcasts saved my life, what I mean is that listening to podcasts has made my daily workout much more enjoyable. Here’s my story – a few years ago I was in a funk. I did not like the size that I was approaching (I am 5’5” and at my heaviest, I weighed more than 200 pounds), PLUS I was always exhausted. I love food, and socializing, so what was I supposed to do?

During Lent of 2015 my son challenged me. Matthew said, “Dad, I challenge to give up for lent  you to stop your daily glasses of wine at lunch and dinner, and add daily exercise into your day.” I accepted the challenge. While it was not hard to stop the wine drinking, I found it difficult to get daily exercise. After all, I have always found exercise boring, and I could only listen to so much music… so I  started listening to podcasts!

Do you listen to podcasts? If you don’t, I challenge you to do so! Whether you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur, or someone who just wants a little bit of self-improvement, you can get so much value from listening to podcasts (I even started a podcast, more on that later). Check out my ‘Top 10’ list below for some inspiration if you are new to the podcasting world.
Here are my top 10 podcasts:

Do you make it a point to get the recommended amount of exercise each week? According to the American Heart Association, the average person needs about 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise each week. In addition to aiding weight loss and heart health, exercise provides these invisible benefits:

  • Higher Pain Tolerance – Did you know that athletes have a higher tolerance for pain than sedentary people? This means that they are also less affected by day-to-day annoyances and stress.
  • Better Eating Habits – After a workout, people are less likely to crave high-calorie foods. This means that people that exercise are less likely to reach for junk food! It’s a win-win!
  • Less Stress and Anxiety – Exercise causes the release of GABA in the brain, which has been shown to quiet brain activity and minimizes anxiety. This means that spending a few minutes at the gym each day could make you a happier person, especially when you consider the endorphin rush you also get when working out!
  • Improved Immune System – In addition to lessening your chances of heart disease and diabetes, regular exercise has been proven to decrease the likelihood of contracting common illnesses like colds and flus.

How do you like to exercise? Hit reply now, I would love to know. Some people prefer zoning out on a treadmill, others (like me) prefer going out on nature walks in the community… thankfully, your body will appreciate the activity no matter how you chose to work out. So don’t wait any longer – get moving! And make sure that you let me know if you have any questions about health or health insurance policies

That’s it for this week!

Now, go out and DOMINATE your week!

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Partner Carriers

  • Arbella Insurance
  • Commerce
  • Mass Property
  • New London County Mutual
  • Norfolk and Dedham
  • Palomar
  • Pilgrim
  • Plymouth Rock
  • Safety
  • Travelers
  • Vermont Mutual