Vargas & Vargas Insurance

1133 Washington St
Dorchester, MA 02124

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Morning Motivation – Week of August 13, 2018

You know that I LOVE to start my week with some positive words of wisdom:

Before you read this week’s email, make sure that you have read the first email in the series all about FEAR and how a negative impact it can have on us, which can be found here.

Fear-Inducing Habit #2: You keep the fear a secret.

One of the biggest problems that I feel that we all have with fear is keeping it to ourselves. When you keep the fear to yourself, it can easily take charge of your imagination and build a horrific and paralyzing nightmare in your mind. Being alone with the fear makes it is easy to lose touch with reality.

What to do instead:

Share your fear with a friend, loved one, mentor, or coach. By sharing and getting some level-headed input from someone, your fear can often be quickly deflated and seen for what it really is. Even just talking about it to someone who truly listens will release a lot of your anxiety and inner tensions.

Fear-Inducing Habit #3: You focus on aspects that will keep you stuck.

If you just focus on the negative things that could happen if you face your fear,it will be very hard to start moving forward.

What to do instead:

A change in perspective is needed. Talk to your friend, mentor, or coach and exchange ideas and experiences about what opportunities lie ahead if you move forward and face your fear. Focus on the positive and on the benefits of doing the thing that you’re afraid of.

Here are a few questions that have helped me to find the more constructive and positive perspective when I have faced a fear:

  • What are the potential upsides that I want and can have by taking these actions?
  • What are the potential upsides in one year if I start moving on this path? And in five years?
  • How will my life be in five years if I continue on the fearful path that I am on today?

Talk these questions over with someone, or take out a piece of paper and write down the answers (or do both!)

Next week, I will talk all about the perils of misinterpreting your fears.


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We Are All Here For A Reason

I like to start most posts with some positive words:

Having a rough morning? Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That’s called purpose; you are alive for a reason. Never give up!

If you met me during my school years, you would not recognize me today.

Here’s my story, our family emigrated to the US in 1968, I went to school, watched my siblings while my parents worked (sometimes two jobs each). They put food on the table, purchased a home, and kept us as comfortable as possible in order to live the American dream.

In school, English was my second language. In fact, when we arrived in the US I spoke no English and was placed in a second-grade class, despite being eight years old. As I progressed through public school, I messed up a lot. I was placed in the work-study program in High School for students who were feared that they would not graduate. I did the things that youth do thinking that they would live forever. I started working at 13 years old (I lied about my age) and have been working ever since.  I tried community college at night and failed, but, frankly, school was not for me. I came to find out many years later that I have a nonverbal learning disorder (NVLD); you may remember me sharing that with you earlier this year.

I met #TheMan  (click here to see photo) when I met him I was 20 years old and working two jobs. He recruited me into the world of Prudential Insurance, trained me, and taught me to have empathy and make a difference in the life of every person that I met.  He taught me how to prospect and connect in a deeply meaningful way with everyone that I came across who needed or may one day need my services.  He is my second father, and I am blessed to have him as my mentor to this date!

I met my wife Kathy in 1980. She worked at the same Prudential office that I did in Braintree, MA.  we got married in 1983. We (she) raised two sons, I was rarely home as we had decided that she would be an at home mom and I would hunker down and do what needed to be done to make a good living for our young family. Both of our sons are college graduates and are now married, working, and on their own. (click here to see photo)

“Someone needs to pay the price, whether the family pays the price and has a modest lifestyle or one Parent works the extended hours and pays the price to give the family the best life possible.” – #TheMan (Vasco Rodrigues)

I was the 4th child born to my parents, but the first to survive. I have a sister who owns her own insurance agency and two brothers who are co-owners of our agency.

I have always taken great pride in the Vargas and Faria (my mother’s maiden name) names but they took on a special significance recently.

I stopped by to see my oldest living aunt the other day, Aunt Rosa, (click here to see a photo) and as she always does, she brought out the photo albums and starts explaining to me our family history and where we came from (after all, someone needs to keep the mental records for the family, she does this with everyone who visits) we came from a small village on the island of Faial in the Azores.

Of course, my father never talked about his life in the Azores to me or anyone else. After we emigrated to the US, my father never had any interest in ever going back to visit the country of his birth. My mother, on the other hand, had great memories of her youth with friends and cousins. I was able to meet some of them when we visited Faial together on numerous occasions over the years.

I came to the realization while sitting with my aunt that my father and mother came from the same exact place, experienced the same schools and the same ups and downs, had the same wants, but my father never forgot the bad stuff that he experienced, while my mother tried to only remember the good in her life when living in Faial.

I know I am here for a reason. I know that you are here for a reason. We are not accidents. The fact that you are reading this is not an accident. We have a purpose and there is a plan for our lives.

As the people who came before us made our lives possible, we have the opportunity to make the best possible life for others. Let’s use this gift of life we have been given and make a positive impact on everyone we meet!

My mother always told me I was going to do something special (she told all of her children this) and somehow through all the difficult times in our lives I heard her words and believed them. She gave me the greatest gift an adult can give a child. She believed in me. She called out the best in me and I think of her all the time, and always try to look at the “good side” of things. (click here to see photo)

And in case no one has told you recently, I want you to know that you are special. You are here to do something meaningful, and I believe in you.

You are meant to make a difference. You can start today.


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February 2018 Newsletter

Happy February!
I thought that I would start this month’s message with a positive message:

“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” 

-Hal Borland
It’s been a rough winter for many of us! With all of the really cold weather, there have been many claims around frozen pipes, check out our blog below on what to do to prevent pipe freeze-ups and Ice Dams.
Check out the story behind Saint Valentines Day, Click here to read more.
February marks the beginning of Black History Month. Each year Americans set aside this month to focus their historical hindsight on the contributions that people of African descent have made to this country.  Wmust celebrate ourselves and do it loudly.  No matter the shape, size, hue or ability, all of our stories matter and they deserve to be told through our lens. I recently read this article on the Queens of Black History Month, that I found very interesting, Click here to read it.
Life Insurance is LOVE Insurance, which makes February and Valentines Day a perfect time to remind you of the need for Life Insurance.  The majority of Americans would have trouble paying for living expenses immediately or shortly after the primary wage earner in the house dies.  Please click here to read more on how much life insurance you should carry. Have questions? Please click here and we will contact you to review your questions and your current life insurance.
I recently had the pleasure of cooking with guest chef Adelina Armas of International Food Gourmet in Brockton. Adelina shows Sharon and me how to make chicken breasts stuffed with prosciutto, mozzarella and spinach., Click here check out the latest “Get Fresh” cooking show below.

Click here to watch the video.

There are lots of great things to do in and around the Boston area this month, please find some fun family things to do below.


PPS, What I learned today, “Which zodiac signs are a love match “ Click here 


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January 2018 newsletter

January 2018
From everyone at Vargas & Vargas Insurance, I would like to wish you and your family a Happy and safe New Year!With a new year come new resolutions! As you say “goodbye” to 2017 and “hello” to 2018, As you may know from reading my Monday Morning Messages, I think that new years resolutions may be a waste of time.

Click here learn more about my Monday Morning Message.

But what do we do to ensure that the new year is better than this past year?

Click here to read our blog on how to forget New Year resolutions and make 2018 your best year ever!

One of my all-time favorite traditions is to make breakfast on New Year’s day and invite our sons and their wives over for breakfast. If you are looking for some ideas on what to cook for breakfast, Click here check out the latest “Get Fresh” cooking show below.

There are lots of great things to do in and around the Boston area this month, please find some fun family things to do below.


Questions Asked when Buying Auto Insurance
Bridging the Gap Between Captive and Independent Insurance Agents

Don’t Make These Mistakes When Setting a Budget

Ensure that Your Jewelry is Covered

Upcoming Community Events

New Year’s jokes
January 1, 2018
Hear 50 comedians tell their brand-
new jokes during each half of 100 First Jokes at ImprovBoston.

Family Film Festival
January 12 – 15, 2018
multiple locations
Belmont World Film: Family Festival shows a variety
of entertaining films from around the world (subtitled if foreign).

MLK gospel concert
January 13, 2018
The Harlem Gospel Choir makes a Joyful Noise with music and dance to celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Sanders Theatre in Cambridge.

MLK breakfast in Framingham
January 15, 2018
The annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Breakfast features a keynote speaker and a singer at the Verve Crown Plaza Hotel in Natick.

Taste of East Boston
January 25, 2018 (6 to 9 p.m.)
Taste of Eastie includes samples from 30 local restaurants, entertainment, a cash bar, and free parking at Hilton Boston Logan Airport.

Home show
January 26 – 28, 2018
See home improvement products, services,
and demos at Suburban Boston Spring Home Show in Hanover. Repeats in Sept.

Chocolate Festival
January 27, 2018
Arrive on the early side to sample chocolate from
10 businesses at the Chocolate Festival at 27 Brattle Street in Cambridge. Free.

Beer tasting
January 28, 2018
Sample beer and cider at Craft Beer Winter Fest,
which draws a young crowd at the Cyclorama. Bring age 21 ID.


Birding festival
January 27, 2018
Superbowl of Birding is a competition to find the most species of birds, with categories for families and kids at Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center. The registration fee includes the pizza party afterwards.

Get Fresh – Episode #23 of Stoughton’s own cooking show (featuring breakfast recipes – Ricotta Pancakes; Louise’s Pancake; and Olive Oil Fried Eggs with Yogurt and Lemon). Interested in seeing some other breakfast recipes? Check out our show with ideas for brunch:
Fall is almost here, now may be the best time to finish YOUR to-do list!
Let us match you with one
of our trusted professionals!


  • Sheri K

The best customer service around!  Emailed at question late on a Monday night and got a prompt reply that evening.  No complaints here!  They have always been quick to reply and helpful.  I use them for both my auto and homeowners insurance.



Carlos F. Vargas
Bus: 617-298-0655
Fax: 617-298-8355
Text: 617-409-0329  

Email Me | Visit Me Online

PPS, What I learned today, “The science of itching” Click here 

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Where Are You Now? A Half-Year Check-In On Your 2017 Goals


“Vision is a destination – a fixed point to which we focus all effort. Strategy is a route – an adaptable path to get us where we want to go.” -Simon Sinek

Can you believe that the midpoint of 2017 is almost upon us? If you look back on the first half of this year, did you get done what you wanted to accomplish? How many of your goals are you hitting or have you abandoned? How are you feeling about your year so far? Pull up a chair and a mug of something warm and let’s talk about it. I’ve sitting outside enjoying a delicious organic coffee from my friends at Plate Restaurant and one of their “chubbs” What are YOU drinking? Leave a message below and let me know.

Deliberate Living
When I looked at my business over 13 years ago, I came to a realization: I wasn’t really working as tightly to my plan as I had wanted. And as you know, I do a yearly goal alignment exercise at the beginning of the year and now I have started also looking mid-year at my progress with my goals.

We all get flustered – something fails, we end up feeling like we can’t make it all work, or we set our goals so high or they are so varied that we can’t possibly hit them. Have you heard that expression “You can’t be a servant to two masters?” I’ve been thinking a lot about that. I want to give you a quick run-through of how I’m handling this and what I’m doing to make 2017 my strongest year ever.

Remember my email message last December that said this on setting goals:

Make them “SMART.” This is an acronym, as you probably know, and it is interpreted in various ways by different teachers. When I refer to SMART goals, I mean goals that meet five criteria. They must be:

  • Specific—your goals must identify exactly what you want to accomplish in as much specificity as you can muster.
    • Bad: Write a book.
    • Good: Write a book proposal for The Life Plan Manifesto.
  • Measurable—as the old adage says, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure.” If possible, try to quantify the result. You want to know absolutely, positively whether or not you hit the goal.
    • Bad: “Earn more this year than last.”
    • Good: “Earn $5,000 more this year than last.”
  • Actionable—every goal should start with an action verb (e.g., “quit,” “run,” “finish,” “eliminate,” etc.) rather than a to-be verb (e.g., “am,” “be,” “have,” etc.)
    • Bad: Be more consistent in blogging.
    • Good: Write two blog posts per week.
  • Realistic—you have to be careful here. A real goal should stretch you, but you have to add a dose of common sense. I go right up to the edge of my comfort zone and then step over it. (If I am not out of my comfort zone, I’m not thinking big enough.)
    • Bad: Qualify for the PGA Tour.
    • Good: Lower my golf handicap by four strokes.
  • Time-bound—every goal needs a date associated with it. When do you plan to deliver on that goal? It could be by year-end (December 31), or it could be more near-term (September 30). A goal without a date is just a dream. Make sure that every goal ends with a ‘by when’ date.
    • Bad: Lose 20 pounds.
    • Good: Lose 20 pounds by December 31st.

Reevaluate your own goals for 2017
If I were thinking through the categories of how I’d change my goals for 2017, this is what I would all myself:

  1. Where am I now?
  2. Where do I want to be?
  3. What do I think is missing/needs improvement?
  4. What do I already know?
  5. How can I reach my goal?
  6. What needs to be in place to stay consistent?

I hope that these questions are helpful. Work through them and you’ll see that it helps in lots of ways. Use it however you see fit. It’s how I’m starting my mid-year goal review exercises to prepare for the remainder of 2017.

I’m looking forward to living deliberately from my plan, and my plan involves serving you to the best of my ability. Help me stay accountable? Please help me understand how best to serve you – please leave a comment below.

And know that you are loved.

Hope to see you around the neighborhood!


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Storytelling Is A Powerful Tool

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.”
– Robert McAfee Brown

Humans are born storytellers, and we do not relate to visual communication very well. Storytelling brings to life a scenario and makes an emotional connection, provoking feelings of ecstasy, sorrow, or peace, and captivating an audience. This is exactly what you need when it comes to your marketing strategy.

We all love a good story, especially when it catches our attention and draws us in. Stories have the power to captivate and increase our customer conversions and referrals from our customers. They also make your audience think of you as the local expert in your field, with the help of your satisfied clients.

Every good business has customers that have had such a wonderful experience doing business with us that they rave to their friends and family about their experience. We should capitalize on these satisfied customers to help promote our businesses. In order to best learn from these customers, you must listen to them.

Making sure that you have people, processes, and technology in place to put your customer first is critical. But none of it matters if you don’t activate it the right way. If you don’t act on feedback or show your customer that you and your company cares each and every day, you are missing out on a big opportunity!

My friend Peter Shankman says in his book Zombie Loyalists: Using Great Service to Create Rabid Fans that these are the customers that you should turn into Zombie Loyalists by getting them to share your story.

“You get the customers you want by being beyond awesome to the customers you have,”
-Peter Shankman.

According to Peter, “Zombie Loyalists” are fervent fans that help companies massively increase their customer base, brand awareness, and most importantly, revenue. After all, why should you have to tell the world how amazing you are if you can have your existing customers do it for you? Imagine an army of customers who will do your public relations, marketing, and advertising without being asked, each and every time they interact with your business. These are Zombie Loyalists. They are ready to buy what you sell, respond to your email offers and demand that their friends do the same.

So…, are your satisfied customers telling your story?

Zombie Loyalists will disappoint you if you are looking for a science fiction horror story about blood-lusting zombies. Instead, this book is for anyone who is in customer service, sales management, and marketing. It will serve as a reminder of what customers – like you and me – deserve from the businesses we patronize.

Your business will see an increase in revenue if you begin taking care of your current clients and giving them an amazing experience every time they have an interaction with you and your company. Let them know your story and ask them to share their experience with their friends and family. Then you will be well on your way to creating your very own army of Zombie Loyalists!

Remember, I’m always here to help you and your clients win. It’s what I LOVE to do.


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Fear Is My Motivation


I hope that you are getting ready for your long weekend!

Here are a few words of wisdom to ponder over the next 3 days:

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Growing up, school dances were a significant source of anxiety for me. When I was 14, I had no idea how to talk to girls, much less ask them out. What would I say? What if she says no, or already has a date? Where would I run if I bombed or froze up? Those were legitimate fears of mine – after all, isn’t rejection a teenager’s worst enemy.

I know I’m not alone in this. No matter how suave and smooth you may be, putting yourself out there is scary. Everyone’s had that moment where they had to psych themselves up to approach a member of the opposite sex… And the longer you wait, the more anxiety you feel. Then the fear sets in. If I were a braver soul, I would write a whole book about fear.

We’ve all been told not to give in to fear. And more so constantly if you’re a male in our culture. Fear is somehow a bad thing. So is failure. At least, that’s what we’re told. Well, that is a lie!

If you dwell on fear, you get a mental block and stop working effectively toward your goal. If I wrote a book about fear, would you read it? Maybe you won’t read this message.  You’ll skip it because maybe you’re worried (more fear!) that I’ll make you feel guilty.

Fear is a powerful and useful tool. But, just like fire, you have to respect it, and you have to choose to use it that way. Fire is necessary for human survival (cooking food, purifying water, cauterizing wounds), but it can burn a house down just as easily. Fear is the same. It can burn your mental house down.

I use fear to get informed, I am motivated by fear, but I never let it guide me. How about you? Do you feel fear, and are you moving forward? It’s simple, but it’s not easy. Just remember, your excuses will never be as interesting as the story of how you got it done.

I’ll tell you a few more secrets about fear, if you’re interested:

  • Fear without knowledge is amplified.
  • Fear without a plan is debilitating.
  • Fear without a goal is endless

“Fear will crush and dominate more dreams than failure ever will.”

What fixes it all?

  • Fear without knowledge is amplifiedso I seek knowledge of what I needed to do.
  • Fear without a plan is debilitatingso I have a plan to keep me moving forward.
  • Fear without a goal is endlessso I put a simple goal in place.

I create a purpose so I can grab a hold of fear and keep my business (and life) on a simple track.

If you find this interesting, let’s grab a coffee soon. I would love to learn all about you and your business and see if I can be of help, or just learn about you and hear your story.

Remember, I’m always here to help you and your clients win. It’s what I LOVE to do.

Now, go DOMINATE your week!


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“Monday Morning May 1, 2017, Are you very poor at forgetting?”

Happy May Day!


As you know, I like to start every week with some words of wisdom,
“Train your brain to see the good in everything.” -Paul Walker

I am writing this newsletter at the Stoughton House of Brews, enjoying some of their dark roast coffee and one of their amazing breakfast sandwiches.  I am meeting a real estate agent friend here who is in need of a little “one on one” training on social media (I can also help you, leave a reply below and we can meet for coffee, maybe here?). If you are ever in Stoughton square and looking for a great place for a coffee (or locally brewed beer, later in the day, of course :-)), you should not pass this great local business up!

Many of us may have heard of the importance of positivity, but few can really tell why it’s important.


So, it’s really important to think positive. But… how?


Thousands of more articles online teach us how to think positive in the most clichéd ways possible. You should cheer up, crack a smile, look on the bright side of life… blah, blah, blah…


Don’t worry! The tips you are going to see below are nothing like those. I hope to offer some practical and specific tips for you to start making REAL changes.


Start with decluttering your life

Get rid of all of the distraction, interruption and clutter that is keeping you from your ‘one thing”, whatever that may be. Getting rid of the clutter that goes on in our brains, and that occupies our thoughts. Maybe it’s a relationship issues or something out of your control. It’s critical to let go of the nagging thoughts and emotions, especially those that we can do nothing about, and even the ones that we can control (like emailing, texting, telephone calls, or spending the day on Facebook).

Instead of letting yourself get distracted by this clutter, set up a schedule to take care of these tasks. I have created a schedule template that I will send it to you, totally FREE if you leave me a message below asking me to do so.


Sit up straight! It’s more than etiquette

While one may think cultivation of positivity always requires conscious effort, in truth it doesn’t.

Sitting up straight may appear irrelevant to positivity, but a study reveals the association between posture and positive thoughts. The result shows that people are more likely to generate positive thoughts and recall positive memories when they are sitting up straight.

So, sit up straight right now! Sometimes tiny things in life all contribute to our well-being without us noticing.


Instead of news, read something uplifting in the morning

It is common to watch morning news reports to keep up to date on the latest news. While it is good not to block ourselves off the outside world, it is important to ask yourself – What is the news mostly about?

In a typical morning, you will see a lot of the same – car crash, terrorist attack, natural disaster. All sorts of disheartening incidents.

I am not trying to suggest a complete break from keeping up on current events, just that you devote part of your morning to something more uplifting in nature.

For example, you could start a Daily Confidence Programming habit. Instead of reading or watching the news, begin the day by reading a chapter of an empowering book. We can also go for our favorite spiritually boosting and inspirational materials. I prefer to start my morning with positive affirmations as my friend Michael Maher teaches.


List 3 things you’re grateful for every day

It is simple and easy to do. Try to list at least 3 things you are grateful for every day. In the end, we won’t realize how much it helps us. Researches reveal a multitude of benefits in expressing gratitude on a daily basis. Being grateful is associated with our well-being. It can also improve relationships and help with emotional maturity. Gratitude can simply promote happiness.

It’s true that we can always find dissatisfaction in life. Same to satisfaction. Half-filled and half-empty glass.

If it seems like there’s nothing to be thankful for in your life, go back to the basics. You are still alive, right? You are still living in this world of mystery and amazement. You still have lots to explore. There’s nothing to mourn on.

There are always angels and devils in our brains. While we are usually the devil’s advocate, try to stand on the angel’s side now.


Celebrate your small wins every day

One easy way to start cultivating our positivity is to write down our small wins on a daily basis. And research has reassured the potential benefits of doing so.

Progress is a lot more than just a step closer to success, as Amabile and Kramer suggest. In fact, if we properly record our progress, no matter how small it is, we instantly receive a confidence boost!

I write every task on a daily list and cross them off as I complete the tasks (I sometimes even add a task after it’s been completed to cross it off!)

So, even though we tend to remember negative events more than positive ones, it is important to practice mind over matter. Focus each and every day on being the best version of yourself, and remark on the progress and the small wins that you accomplish. Before too long, positivity will be a habit, and it’s an important one to have as someone that seeks out success!

If you have any additional positivity tips that you use in your life, I would love to hear them! Just leave me a reply below and tell me what you do to keep yourself looking on the bright side day after day.


And, know that you are LOVED!




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Change happens when we take massive and specific action…

This might shock you, but complacency kills!


As you know, I like to start every week with some words of wisdom, and this weeks are:


“Change happens when we take massive and specific action. It rarely happens by easing our way into the process. Either risk it or we don’t. Either go 100% or 0%. Gradual and timid change will lead to drawback to our comfort zone. It’s nearly impossible to move forward without a committed and courageous leap.”

-Author unknown


I told a friend the other day that I don’t understand people who say they are having trouble staying motivated. I said something like “If you’re passionate about what you do, you’re going to be motivated. If you’re not, get out of where you’re at, find what you are passionate about, and get to it. Life is too short!”


Motivation is a Choice

Motivation is part of everything you work on. It’s a task to check off. You have to motivate yourself because you have to stay on target. If your goal is to eat well, then there are times when you’re going to want to have some pizza with friends, but it’ll be your job to say, “I’ve got bigger plans, and this pizza is not a part of them.”


I try to workout daily, usually with my wife Kathy, or with my friends Jeff, Paulo and Jason, and I try to eat healthy. But sometimes I would MUCH rather eat lobster mac and cheese and chocolate cake than another five ounces of steamed chicken breast and broccoli. But I have to remind myself that I like the place that my healthy lifestyle journey has taken me. After all, motivation is something one must consciously choose. And remember – complacency kills:


“Complacency is a sword of two edges. One edge kills hard earned successes while the other end stops future glories. Complacency is a murderer and a barrier!” — Israelmore Ayivor


How to Motivate Yourself:

  • Work towards those goals with a plan, not with a hope and a prayer
  • Have written reminders of your goal or target everywhere – make sure you see these notes throughout the day
  • Keep a small note (I use Evernote) with a list of reminders as to why this goal is important to you
  • Review your goal, your plan, and your reminders daily
  • If you’re in jeopardy of slipping, phone a friend (or you can always call me – I would love to help you stay on target and reach your goals)
  • Remember that discomfort is temporary, and at times can even be a good thing
  • And there’s the ever delightful “suck it up, buttercup” to remind yourself to stop complaining (which saps motivation like nothing else can)


It’s always YOUR job to motivate yourself. Not your boss. Not your significant other. Not mom or dad. Only you own that role. It’s YOUR job. It’s YOUR choice. You can’t pass this monkey off to anyone else.


Target – Plan – Reminders – Review – Repeat. Just like that. Got it? That’s all there is to it!


Know that you are loved!




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“It was character that got us out of bed.”

Happy Monday, and I hope that you had a great Easter Holiday weekend with family and friends!

I like to start every week with some words of wisdom, and this weeks are:

“It was character that got us out of bed,

commitment that moved us into action

and discipline that enabled us to follow through.”

-Zig Ziglar

This is a followup on my “Change is Hard” message from a few weeks ago. (If you missed that email, reach out and let me know – I would be happy to send it to you!) In that email, I stated:

“Many professionals start their businesses filled with excitement and passion for their new venture, but quickly realize that building a brand is hard work! Once that realization sets in and business problems begin to surface, it is very easy to get disgruntled and lose your motivation for what you originally set out to accomplish.

In the beginning, your passion creates energy that keeps you moving forward, builds excitement for the next project, and helps overcome fears and obstacles. However, maintaining that passion can be difficult as time goes on, and you might find yourself in a “rut,” or longing to reconnect with the spark that once drove your business. Whether this longing resonates with you currently or you’re teetering back and forth on the fence of business growth, it’s imperative to implement 6 practices into your business to regain focus and reignite your flame!”

We covered the first 3 that week, and I promised to tie all 6 together in another email. Well, I’ve kept you waiting long enough! Here are the other three practices:

4. Join a Mastermind group AND participate – A mastermind group can offer new perspectives on old problems, and provide much-needed motivation and support to keep you going when you feel overwhelmed! If you’re receiving and reading this newsletter you’re probably thinking, “Well, I am a part of a mastermind group.” Yes, that’s the first step. But the next step (and the most important step) is to get involved, participate, and implement! To get more involved, start posting in our private Facebook group with questions, ideas, and concerns (this is a safe environment of like-minded professionals, so don’t worry about any negative or uncool comments). In addition, attend your company’s weekly class and ask questions, send out emails similar to this one to the people that know, like (or love) and trust you, and follow-up consistently and persistently every week with you Dunbar’s 150 (Need help getting started? I have a strategy for that!), and ask for help when you need it

5. Systematize, automate and outsource – What’s the most valuable use of your time? To find out, create a list of tasks that you perform each week and ask yourself, “Are there items on here that could be handled by someone else?” If that’s the case, hire a virtual assistant or a right-hand person who can take care of the tasks that suck up your time and keep you from being productive. Also, invest in a time-saving client follow-up system that automates some of your communications. With this technology, setting up follow-up campaigns for past clients take only seconds of your time, and continue for years without you ever touching it again!

6. Follow-through on new systems and ideas – One of the most important principles in success is follow-through. When you make a plan to implement a new idea or system into your business, the dedicated follow-through is what will make it a success or a failure. There will be obstacles to overcome with any new venture, but the key to a successful follow-through is staying the course through those frustrating and sometimes downright demanding moments of growing pains. It’s also important to compare the amount of change you’re implementing vs what you and your team can realistically handle. Think of it this way: Following-through on one new system or idea will be way more beneficial to your business than starting 10 new systems and ideas and not executing any of them!

And know that you are LOVED!

Now, go out and DOMINATE your week!


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