Vargas & Vargas Insurance

1133 Washington St
Dorchester, MA 02124

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How to Be a Great Wedding Guest

When was the last time you attended a wedding? There have been a lot in the Vargas and Vargas family recently! It got us thinking – we should write a guide for how to be the perfect wedding guest! Here are just a few of the tips and tricks that we’ve learned:

  • When you receive an invitation, make sure that you respond by the RSVP date. If you accept the invitation and then need to back out, let the couple know as soon as possible.
  • If you get the newlyweds a gift from their registry, consider just letting the store ship it directly to the provided address. That will save the stress of needing to bring it to the occasion, and it will save the couple from having to transport it home themselves.
  • Abide by the dress code stated in the invitation. If no instructions are given, use your best judgement, and remember to consider the location and time of day of the event.
  • Be present. Don’t spend the whole event behind your phone camera. After all, the bride and groom probably hired a professional photographer – so you should have a good time and trust the professional to capture the memories.
  • Don’t be afraid to mingle! It’s your chance to see old friends, but don’t forget to also make some new ones! Talk to someone you’ve never met about how lovely the ceremony was, or ask how they know the newlyweds.

Do you know someone who is counting the days until their wedding? Do them a favor and give them the phone number of Vargas and Vargas Insurance617-298-0655. Make sure they know just how important it is to insure big events like weddings, and tell them that a free quote for wedding insurance is just a phone call away! While they’re at it, suggest that the beginning of a marriage is a great time to start looking into a life insurance policy.

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American Flag Guidelines, how to handle, honor and dispose of Old Glory


This is the time of year that we show our American pride by waving the American flag, hanging it on our homes, boats, bikes, buildings, and cars. It’s easy to forget, though, the proper way to handle and hang the American flag. But, did you know that there are rules for how to handle, respect, honor and dispose of Old Glory?

Here are the top ones.

Orient it correctly. The field of stars should always be at the top-left corner, whether you are hanging it horizontally or vertically. The view should always be from the outside-in, so you still have the field of stars in the top left corner if it’s horizontal or vertical. It’s important that the flag be flown higher than any other flag if there are others beside it.

Leave the light on. Traditionally the flag has flown outside from sunrise to sunset, but if illuminated properly it can be left out for 24 hours. You might try a solar light that gets dim during the day and brightens at night, or a garden spotlight to keep it illuminated throughout the evening.

Consider the weather. You do not want the flag subjected to harsh elements of rain, wind, or snow, but long as it is made of weather-resistant materials, it should be able to withstand those elements.

 “Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness –

– whatever America means to you is symbolized by

the stars and stripes, and we should feel

a sense of pride and gratitude every time we

salute Old Glory.”

Retire the flag once it’s worn out. Traditionally, disposing of a flag is done via burning. If you don’t want to do this yourself, however, you can call the local VFW to dispose of it in a respectful way, or even in a ceremony.

Don’t let it touch the ground or anything beneath it. When flying the flag from your vehicle, you want to attach it to your antenna, or to the right side of the fender, or to your window by letting the Flagstaff hang from the right side.

The flag is not to be used for advertising or promotional purposes. For example, putting it on napkins, plates, and boxes. Anything that’s temporary or can be disposed is restricted.

No decorations of any kind. You can use decorative flag banners, for example, but the flag itself should not be used as such.

It’s important that we handle the flag with the respect, dignity, and honor that it deserves. There are extensive guidelines, per the U.S. Flag Code, that provide more information. If you’d like to be an authority on that code, go ahead and read it. In the meantime, I hope to be your insurance experts. Our team and I are always happy to provide Star – Spangled Banner service to you or anyone you know needing an insurance quote or review.

Please feel free to give us a call at 617-298-0655 or email our team at



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Happy Presidents Day!

Happy Presidents Day!

Our offices are open today.

“Not in vain has Lincoln lived, for he has helped to make this republic an example of justice, with no caste but the caste of humanity.”  ~George Bancroft

We hope that you are planning a great weekend with your #family and #friends!

Check out all of the goings on in and around #Boston this Presidents Day weekend, Click here

With spring-like temperatures upon us this weekend, please consider reading our blog on how to prevent ice dams. Click here to read our blog.


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Fear And Confidence


“If every lover was treated like they matter every day, Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be so special.”
-Mokokoma Mokhonoana

I am enjoying a great cup of Brazilian Mogiana coffee locally roasted by our friends at Flat Black Coffee. What are you drinking? Reply below and let me know!

I thought that I would drink this coffee and write a Valentine’s Day message, but nothing has come to me. It’s Thursday and it’s snowing outside, so Instead, I have decided to write about Fear and Confidence.

You remember my message from the past on Fear, and it seems only natural to follow that up by walking through how to build up your Confidence. I can tell you that one of the core element of being successful in business (and in life) is confidence. But you know this – mostly because you know how bad it feels when you lack confidence.

How is your confidence?

It turns out that the more small successes you rack up, the more you’ll feel ready to take on something bigger. You need wins. Believe it or not, I learned this from playing video games with my sons. In most games, the first few minutes are dedicated to teaching you the mechanics. Angry Birds teaches you how to hit a green pig with a bird. Super Mario Brothers teaches you to hop on goombas and break bricks. Pac Man (my all time favorite game) starts out simple and gets more complex.

The real world is a bit more tricky, but you can steal the same mechanics of gaming to build your confidence. When you take on a job, no one gives you an “easy” level when you’re starting out. When you go into business for yourself, it’s often that sense of being “thrown into the deep end.”

However, you are the owner of your experience. You can decide that you want to “level up” the way you do in video games. How? The answer is simple – “wins.”

Confidence runs on wins: More wins = More confidence

Let’s take sales, for example. If you’re in business of any kind, you need more customers. Of this, I have no doubt. So what are you doing right now? Most of the people who read this newsletter are wondering just how much blogging, Tweeting, Snapchatting, and Facebooking they have to do to get a customer. You’re probably losing faith. Your confidence is dipping.

Instead of getting down, make some small wins for yourself. Here are a few examples of tasks that will create these wins to boost your confidence:

  • I’m going to make 10 specific “asks” to 10 different people who might be the right fit for what I sell. The WIN is that you ask, not whether they buy.
  • I’m going to write a sales letter by Monday afternoon. The win is that the letter is written.
  • I’ll send that letter Tuesday (another win).
  • I’ll follow up in personalized emails. I’ll make sure I do 20 a day. Another win.
  • I am going to call 10 of my past clients today, and see how they are doing (don’t start thinking that they will be upset, it’s too long since I last called, etc. Here’s a secret – people think a lot less about us than we think they do).
  • Everyone that I meet I will FROG (ask about their Family, Recreation, Occupation and Goals).
  • I will add to my referral network (if you need help doing this, I’d love to help)
  • I will get at least one more sale this week than I did last week. Win.

See what I’m doing? Take the bigger task and break it down a bit. Find what will constitute a victory and accomplish it. Stack up more and more of those and you’ll see your confidence rise.

This is true of everything you want to accomplish. Need to lose 30 pounds? Make a win be going to the gym for 3 days this week. Make another win be drinking one gallon of water every day. Once those little victories start stacking up, you’ll have more confidence to tackle bigger tasks.

Are you scared of public speaking? Start with a blog post. Then a video. Then a free speech to a small group. Then a bigger group, etc.

Set up paths that take you from the simple wins to the bigger ones. Everything works better this way, I promise. The world may not line up neatly, but you, the owner of your destiny (and your fear), can line it up.

Go! Do it now.

And know that you are loved.

PS: Should you know of anyone who has an insurance question or need an honest insurance quote or review, I would be honored if you would keep our agency in mind. Click here

PPS: Here’s what I learned today ” How to spot a fake friend request” Click here


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May 15, 2015 is Endangered Species Day!

TYPE YOUR TITLE HEREThere is a day every year that the US Fish and Wildlife Service has declared “Endangered Species Day.” This year, that day falls on May 15th. According to the Fish and Wildlife Service, the day is observed “in order to recognize the national conservation effort to protect our nation’s endangered species and their habitats.”

As residents of the beautiful state of Massachusetts, the Vargas and Vargas Insurance team is saddened to hear about endangered species in the US, and especially those in Massachusetts. Below is a list of the species in decline in our state, as well as a few suggestions of actions that we all could take to help these plants and animals.

Endangered Species in Massachusetts

Did you know that there are approximately 22 threatened and endangered species here in the state of Massachusetts? Here is the full list of threatened and endangered animals and plants, according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service as of earlier this year:

  • Northern long-eared Bat
  • 3 species of Beetle
  • Piping Plover
  • 6 species of Turtle
  • Shortnose Sturgeon
  • Roseate Tern
  • Dwarf Wedgemussel
  • 5 species of Whale
  • 3 Plant Species

In addition to the listed species, there are other species here in Massachusetts that are declining in population, like the New England Cottontail, which has disappeared from 86 percent of its historical range in the last several decades.

What Can You Do to Help?

The Endangered Species Coalition has a list of 10 easy things that you can do to help endangered species. Their list includes suggestions like:

  • Learning about your local endangered species
  • Visiting a wildlife refuge or national park
  • Making your home wildlife friendly
  • Buying and recycling sustainable products

If every person were to take a few steps to make the world a little bit friendlier for endangered species, we could protect these animals and plants that are threatened or endangered. You don’t have to go far – there are things that you can do right in your community!

Endangered Species Day Events

There are events being planned for Endangered Species Day across the country. Here in the Greater Boston Area, there are three big events going on! The first two events will be on May 16th – one at the Stone Zoo (149 Pond Street in Stoneham) at 10 am and the other at Franklin Park Zoo (1 Franklin Park Road in Boston) at 11 am.

If you are busy on May 16th, but would like to attend an event, you’re in luck! Mark your calendar for World Oceans Day at the New England Aquarium at 11 am on June 7th.

What other ways will you and your family be celebrating this summer? Stay tuned to the Vargas and Vargas Insurance Blog for Memorial Day and Fourth of July tips and tricks in just a few short weeks. And remember, there is always someone here at Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency to help you with all of your insurance questions and concerns – just call 617-298-0655 to talk to a Massachusetts insurance professional!

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