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February 2018 Newsletter

Happy February!
I thought that I would start this month’s message with a positive message:

“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” 

-Hal Borland
It’s been a rough winter for many of us! With all of the really cold weather, there have been many claims around frozen pipes, check out our blog below on what to do to prevent pipe freeze-ups and Ice Dams.
Check out the story behind Saint Valentines Day, Click here to read more.
February marks the beginning of Black History Month. Each year Americans set aside this month to focus their historical hindsight on the contributions that people of African descent have made to this country.  Wmust celebrate ourselves and do it loudly.  No matter the shape, size, hue or ability, all of our stories matter and they deserve to be told through our lens. I recently read this article on the Queens of Black History Month, that I found very interesting, Click here to read it.
Life Insurance is LOVE Insurance, which makes February and Valentines Day a perfect time to remind you of the need for Life Insurance.  The majority of Americans would have trouble paying for living expenses immediately or shortly after the primary wage earner in the house dies.  Please click here to read more on how much life insurance you should carry. Have questions? Please click here and we will contact you to review your questions and your current life insurance.
I recently had the pleasure of cooking with guest chef Adelina Armas of International Food Gourmet in Brockton. Adelina shows Sharon and me how to make chicken breasts stuffed with prosciutto, mozzarella and spinach., Click here check out the latest “Get Fresh” cooking show below.

Click here to watch the video.

There are lots of great things to do in and around the Boston area this month, please find some fun family things to do below.


PPS, What I learned today, “Which zodiac signs are a love match “ Click here 


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Forget the New Year Resolutions and Set SMART Goals

Is this crazy or what? December has completely snuck up on us. Did you know that there are only 6 “work days” left between now and December 22nd when things will shut down for the holidays? While December is a month of celebration and cheer, it’s also the time to get planning for a successful 2017.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “What you don’t measure you don’t improve”?

I started this writing last week thinking that I would be writing to you about New Year resolutions, but the more that I dug through my past resolutions, I found that I have never succeeded with almost any of them. Some of my past resolutions have been; lose weight, become more physically active, be a better life partner (I hope that I have made some headway with this one), be a better parent, be a better person, prospect for more of this or that kind of insurance lines of business, etc.. This quote became so poignant when I read it.

Don’t get me wrong; I think that New year Resolutions may be worth making for some, but, perhaps they are a guideline for us to follow, rather than an exact recipe that will place more pressure on our already overburdened lives.

It’s certainly true in business, sports, and science, but what about in life? How do you measure progress in your life? With work or business, we could use our income. But what about our health, relationships, or intellectual growth?

So, are You ready for 2018?

Will 2018 be your best year yet?

What are you doing to make 2018 your best year yet?

I will be truthful with you, I failed a lot in 2017, but also had many successes. I have learned from those failures, and hope to harp on the achievements.

Do you know the feeling; I mean the failure feeling?

Don’t use the “failure feeling” to rekindle those strong negative emotions (it’s not easy, especially if they were severe). Instead, I hope that you learn from your failures as I do.

Like many people, I sometimes struggle to stay focused on my goals. Week in and week out, there is always a “new way of doing things” or a “new shiny whistle” that tries to take my attention away from what is important.

While planning and goal setting is vital in the business world, I hope that you don’t forget that it is just as important to establish goals for your personal life. Don’t forget that without our health and our relationships, many of our lives would be meaningless!

Setting and achieving your goals may be difficult, but there is help available. Here are few of my recommendations:

Here’s what Michael Hyatt says about goal setting:

Make them “SMART.” This is an acronym, as you probably know, and it is interpreted in various ways by different teachers. When I refer to SMART goals, I mean goals that meet five criteria. They must be:

  • Specific—your goals must identify exactly what you want to accomplish in as much specificity as you can muster.
    • Bad: Write a book.
    • Good: Write a book proposal for The Life Plan Manifesto.
  • Measurable—as the old adage says, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure.” If possible, try to quantify the result. You want to know absolutely, positively whether or not you hit the goal.
    • Bad: “Earn more this year than last.”
    • Good: “Earn $5,000 more this year than last.”
  • Actionable—every goal should start with an action verb (e.g., “quit,” “run,” “finish,” “eliminate,” etc.) rather than a to-be verb (e.g., “am,” “be,” “have,” etc.)
    • Bad: Be more consistent in blogging.
    • Good: Write two blog posts per week.
  • Realistic—you have to be careful here. A real goal should stretch you, but you have to add a dose of common sense. I go right up to the edge of my comfort zone and then step over it. (If I am not out of my comfort zone, I’m not thinking big enough.)
    • Bad: Qualify for the PGA Tour.
    • Good: Lower my golf handicap by four strokes.
  • Time-bound—every goal needs a date associated with it. When do you plan to deliver on that goal? It could be by year-end (December 31), or it could be more near-term (September 30). A goal without a date is just a dream. Make sure that every goal ends with a ‘by when’ date.
    • Bad: Lose 20 pounds.
    • Good: Lose 20 pounds by December 31st.

Once you have SMART goals for your professional and personal life, make sure to Write them down and place them in a visible location, like on your desk or the refrigerator (I have my goals taped to the wall in my closet).

Click here for more information on Michael Hyatt’s goal setting techniques.

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
-Helen Keller

I hope that you have a happy, prosperous and safe new year!





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The one skill more important to business pros than sales.

I hope that you had a fantastic weekend! As you know, I like to start every week with some words of wisdom:

“The thing that people don’t realize is you want to teach people how to fix things without paying you for it because that builds up leverage, you give up a sale in the beginning, but you get all the sales in the end.”

Gary Vaynerchuk

Over the next five years, there is one skill undeniably more important to the success of all business professionals than sales. Unfortunately, most are not putting in the hard work to improve this skill. That’s where the opportunity lies for us!

What is this important skill, you ask? It’s building relationships. You need to build relationships today to stand out 5, 10, and 20 years from now. Most businesspeople aren’t doing this today, and the writing’s on the wall for them.

We operate in a marketplace where attention rules all, and those who can attract (and keep) the attention win the game. If you are not doing the work today that sets you up to succeed, you will not be able to compete. There will come a day when what you do and offer in the marketplace may be better and cheaper, but it will be as if you don’t exist because you have not built the relationships to get and keep their attention.

If you look at the money being poured into ads everywhere by the big boys – Trulia, Zillow, Rocket Mortgage, and Morgan & Morgan, for example – the money they are spending doesn’t pan out.  They can’t be local like you and me.  It’s not the consumer’s fault that they think that they believe the ‘big boys’ – instead, it’s an opportunity for us to educate them.

I am a believer in content marketing, telling your story, being the local and value provider, and giving without expectation of a return. I truly believe that the organizations that will be in business in the next 5, 10, and 20 years are the ones who are laying the groundwork today.

What does that look like? It means getting your customers’ emails and cell phone numbers. I work with some business people who still do not have their customers’ information! There is no way to compete in a world where your competitors have your customers’ email addresses and cell phone numbers and you don’t.

If you want to stay relevant for the next several years, you had better change your way of doing business. You need to put the content out there in all the ways that your customers are consuming it – video, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

If you don’t like to be in front of the camera, find someone who does. If you don’t like to write, find someone who does (hit reply now and I can connect you with my copy editor, she is amazing and an asset to my business).

“There has never been a time in history to attract attention was so valuable.” –Ryan Hanley

Your story needs to be told whether you are a big huge brand or a mom and pop shop, and no one can tell your story like you can. Your ability to tell your story is as important as your ability to sell your products and service. It’s the only way that you will attract the attention to do business in the new digital marketplace.

In today’s world, ‘losing’ means taking the time to perfect the customer experience. It means thinking about the way people answer your phone. It means making less cold calls and writing blog posts or creating bitesize videos about the questions you hear every day.

The truth is that I don’t know where this is all headed, what I do know is this:

“There is a connected generation and an unconnected generation, every day that goes by the connected generation expands and the unconnected generation shrinks, who are you going to bet your future on?”

Make the conscious decision to tell your story and connect with the expanding consumer group. How will you connect? Podcasts, blogs, video? I don’t know, but taking the time today to start building your brand now is what will help you succeed in the upcoming years and even decades. Attention wins the game, and I want you to come along for this ride. Lose today so we can all win tomorrow.

I will leave you with this final quote:

“If you’re not putting relevant content in relevant places, you don’t exist.” –Gary Vaynerchuk
I implore you to heed this advice. You can thank me five years from now.

Have a question? Need help? Leave a message below and I will work your question into a future message.

Know that you are loved!


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Be with the ones you love

I’m back in “work mode” after much-needed downtime to recharge my batteries. I enjoyed my time with my family and friends and I am ready to finish out 2017.

I spent Saturday a few weeks ago playing golf with my sons, Jonathan and Matthew. There was a rainy start to the day. We arrived at the clubhouse at 10:30, and about then the skies opened up, so we hung around the Cedar Hill Golf Course for maybe an hour and a half.  It just happened that there was a golf tournament going on and many of the participants were old ‘townie’ friends of mine.  I proudly introduced my buddies to Jon and Matt and we enjoyed Chef Marty Malone’s freshly made chocolate chip cookies (on the house <3) as we waited for a lull in the rain.

Our birthday family tradition has always been that the birthday person got to choose where we went for dinner as a family on their special day. But Jon and Matt are married now, and in their own homes, with busy lives. On normal days, I try to watch what I eat and cook healthy meals at home. Kathy and I don’t spend nearly as much time as we used to with the guys and their wives… so this year when I was asked where I wanted to go for dinner on my birthday I threw everyone a curveball. I said, “I would LOVE to play a round of golf with my family!” (While Kathy and my sons’ spouses were welcome to come and see what golfing is all about, they decided not to).

I started golfing last year, and have come to love everything about the game – the outdoors, a great walk (I always walk the course) with family, friends, and/or business partners, the conversation, and most times we finish our golf game with a cold draft at the clubhouse and discuss how we played, which holes we played well at, and sometimes even the score. So this year I asked Jon and Matt to spend the morning with me on the golf course and to have a simple dinner.  We ended our day at Matthew and Cristiana’s home, they fired up their Uuni pizza oven (what an amazing invention) and we enjoyed being together.  I was in heaven… family, laughs, conversation, and the great outdoors, freshly made pizza and some cold brews (kind of like golf).

As you know, I try to start every week with some words of wisdom:

“Be with the ones you love, and love the ones that love you, ignore everyone else.” -Seth Godin

Although I was away, it was nice to see our businesses continue to run as if I had not left. Jeff Camara (my business partner, operations manager at our company, and rock star insurance professional) kept the momentum going (we are having one of our best years ever). My flexible schedule is the result of my decision that there are much better people who can do what I use to do a lot better. Do what I did – look for great people, build an amazing team around you, and get out of the way and let them take your business to new heights.

There are a few kinks to work out, the MMM stopped (so the telephones got quieter), the face to face meetings stopped, but soon, I will get start them up again, and my Monday morning FROG calls have not been done, but will resume soon (send me a message and I will let you know what FROG stands for and how they can help your business out).

And know that you are loved! As Seth Godin says, It’s your turn (it’s ALWAYS YOUR turn!)

A great big thank you to everyone who sent me the vacation and birthday well wishes! Now go out and have an amazing and awesome week! I hope to see you soon!


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Is It Time to Redecorate Your Home?

Your home should be a place you look forward to being – somewhere that makes you happy and at peace. Unfortunately, it is a part of human nature to need change, so there’s a good chance that your home will start to feel a little stale after a while. That’s a clear-cut sign that you need to do something to update your décor.

Here is a simple trick that you can use – take a good look at each piece of decoration in your home, and ask yourself, “Does this give me joy?” If the item no longer brings you happiness, it may be time to get something new. Take a look at Pinterest (while you’re there, follow me!) and find an idea that you can use to redecorate your home that will bring joy to you and your loved ones.

If you want to bring a new energy into your home without breaking the bank, there are some easy things that you can do to redecorate on a budget. Instead of splurging on wallpaper, make your own stencil and use paint. Thrift stores and estate sales can be a bargain-hunter’s best friend, and are especially great for finding shabby-chic décor. Bathrooms in need of a spruce will be brand new with a new shower curtain, and DIY artwork is always an affordable and effective project.

And remember – if you do any major redecoration (or especially if you go one step further and remodel) call your insurance agent at Vargas and Vargas Insurance to update your Massachusetts homeowner’s insurance. Doing so will ensure that your new decorations are all protected in case you need to make a claim in the future.

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Why Buy Flowers for Your Home?

Have you ever felt like your home needed a little burst of freshness and color? It’s easy to get into a groove (or, rather, a rut) when it comes to your home’s accessories – but fear not! All you need to do if you want to cheer up a room in your home is add a bouquet of freshly cut flowers!

First, a fun fact. Did you know that hospital patients who have plants or flowers in their room often need less post-operative medicine? In addition, these patients had lower blood pressure and less anxiety. And you can take advantage of the stress relief at home by simply adding a small plant or vase of flowers to a room that you spend a lot of time in.

In addition, the color of the flowers that you choose can impact the mood that your bouquet creates. Choose lighter, similar colors to increase your relaxation, or a bright and varied bunch for an energizing vibe. Even consider bringing in some flowers or a plant to the office to boost your productivity and be the envy of your coworkers!

Adding a plant to your Massachusetts home or office will also act as a natural humidifier, and plants can remove 87% of toxins from the air every day! So whether you’re looking for some inspiration, relaxation, energy, or health benefits, a bunch of flowers or a potted plant may be the answer!

If you would like to buy a lovely plant or a bunch of flowers for your home, stop by one of my favorite local flower shops, Cedar Grove Gardens. And if you want to add to your peace of mind with more than just flowers, call 617-298-0655 for a free Boston home insurance review from your friends here at Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency.

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It’s That Time of Year – Go Apple Picking!

One of the most popular activities in the Fall here in Massachusetts is picking produce. And there’s good news on that front – now is the perfect time for apple picking! Orchards have been open for a few weeks, but we’re hitting peak season to get ripe, perfect apples. So sometime between now and Veteran’s Day, pack up your family and hit your nearest apple orchard to see what fun you’ve been missing.

When you’re picking, make sure to look for apples that are firm and bruise-free. The color of your apple will change based on the variety of apple you’re picking, so you can’t depend on the color of your apple to tell you if it’s ready to pick. It’s also important to remember that apples ripen from the center of the tree outwards.

In addition, some farms will offer much more than just fruit harvesting. If you want a little more excitement, find a place that also has apple cider doughnuts (they’re a Fall favorite here at Vargas and Vargas Insurance), hayrides, or even a petting zoo.

Once you’ve got your apples in hand, you need to decide what to do with them. Sure, apples are great as a snack, but there’s nothing quite like a homemade apple pie that’s made with apples you picked off the tree with your own hands. If you want something a little healthier, try putting your apples in a smoothie or a salad. You can even use them to make apple chips! If you’re a fan of Fall spices, why not try making your own apple butter or an apple cider?

Make sure that you stay tuned to the Vargas and Vargas Insurance Blog for more ideas about seasonal activities here in Massachusetts. And remember to call 617-298-0655 with your insurance questions and quote needs!

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Going dark to recharge the batteries!


Summertime is quickly coming to an end.  I am going dark for a little while.

Kathy and I are headed out of town to refuel. Years ago, we started vacationing “on the shoulder” of seasons, due to the cost, less hustle, and bustle at popular vacation spots.

After many months of doing my best to encourage, inspire and serve, giving many presentations, coaching some amazing business people, and making many new friends, we are taking some time to refresh our batteries.

Doing good for others without doing good for yourself isn’t very good, is it?

This is why you will not be hearing from me for the next few weeks.

So I’m taking this time to regenerate, spend time with friends and loved ones, swim, golf, continue my quest to be better physically fit, read, reflect, and just be a human being versus a human doing. I’ve been at this for a long time (37 years) and hope to be around many, many more years. Vitality is essential for longevity, so I’m protecting mine.

I will also be using my “dark time” to reread some of my favorite books. Try to reshape my thinking, develop my philosophy, and reset my being, so I come back strong in early October so that I can serve you even better.

One of the books that I am re-reading is Questions for the Dalai Lama: Answers on Love, Success, Happiness, & the Meaning of Life. Here is a passage that I felt was worthy to share with you:


What did you enjoy reading this summer? Leave a reply below, I would LOVE to know.

Hope all this helps. After all, our world needs more heroes. Why wait for them when you have it in you to become one of them?

In my absence, please remember that Jeff Camara and the Vargas and Vargas Insurance team are always available to help you and your clients with insurance questions, quotes, and any problems you may encounter.  They can be reached by:

Telephone: 617-298-0655
Text: 617-409-0329
Quote team email:
Service and claim team email: 

And know that you are loved! Now go out and have some awesome weeks!

It’s your turn (it’s always your turn)!


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“Run Your Week Like You Are Dancing On The Edge Of A..

Everything is NOT important, right?. I’ll even go one step further, everyone is not important. At least not as it relates to you and your business, and your life as a whole.

Our son, Matthew just stopped by to spend a few minutes with Kathy and I before he leaves for his honeymoon in the morning. Before Matthew left our home, he told me a story that gave me the idea for this Message – before Matthew left his branch at #EnterpriseRentACar tonight, he had a meeting with his assistants and support staff and advised them to take some risks this week. He said that he left them with this message;

“Run your week like you are dancing on the edge of a razor blade while trying not to get cut.”

As business owners, you need to take some risks, and it’s the little things that make a big difference. That’s true in marriage, parenting, and in marketing yourself as a mortgage, real estate, legal or any professional. In truth, it’s important in every business. Too often we get caught up in the “thick” of “thin things” and we lose touch with what really drives success in our business.

As we all know, being a loan officer, real estate agent, attorney, solopreneur, or business owner is not easy, BUT having the knowledge and tools to succeed makes running a smooth sailing ship an attainable goal. How many days have you been at the office until 8 pm? How many weekends have you worked when you shouldn’t have? Do you feel like you’ve been running around all day but have not actually done anything you set out to do in the morning? As business owners, these are questions we have all answered “yes” to at some point. But why? Because we don’t have the right mindset to create the job we want vs. the job we have.

In every profession, there are cardinal sins that take you off track and derail your success. Over the next few emails, I will be sharing the marketing sins many of us commit and will help you implement some tips to turn your downfalls into productivity! My challenge to you is to take one or two sins that you’re committing and focus on improving them. When you’ve got them nailed, move on to another sin and overcome it. Business success usually results from the commitment to making small incremental improvements over a long time.

Sin #1: Working “IN” Your Business Instead of “ON” Your Business!
I was working with a friend that I mentor who was in a sales slump. He was putting in a lot of time at work, but was not seeing any results from his efforts. I decided to perform a very simple diagnostic: I asked him to email me a detailed list of all his activities for the next three days and then give me a callback. He did his homework and I received the email listing all his activities and how much time he spent on them. With an immediate glance, I could tell exactly what his problem was — he didn’t realize what business he was in. After reviewing his activities, it was clear that he had become a “Fireman” and was too busy “putting out fires,” because that’s where he spent most of his time. Rather than working “on” his business, he was working “in” his business. The key here is to concentrate on the “non-urgent — but important” tasks and NOT on the “urgent — but not important” tasks.

This mortgage professional (and, maybe you) should be spending more time working “on” your business doing things like proactive sales and marketing activities, which have a higher long-term payoff.

How can less be more when it comes to working? Well, that statement is true, and I would love to show you how to accomplish twice the work in half the time, and reduce your stress in the process. The secret is Pareto’s Law, or the 80/20 Principle – a core foundation of success in business, and in life for that matter.

Now go out and enjoy the rest of your week!


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Weight Loss Tips for Your Bikini Body

Bathing suit season is here once again. If you’re getting ready to hit the beach or go out on your boat, you may be thinking about how to lose those extra pesky couple of pounds that you gained over the winter. When it comes down to it, weight loss is all about calories: burn more calories than you consume, and you will lose weight. However, this is sometimes easier said than done. Here are a few tips that will help you consume less calories (and burn more):

  • Cut out drink calories: You may be surprised how much juice, soda, and alcohol calories add up! Drinking low-calorie beverages like water, tea, and black coffee is a great start to any diet.
  • Portion control: Instead of giving yourself a giant serving, use a smaller plate to cut back on the size of your meals. Tell yourself that you can always go back for seconds, but odds are you won’t need to.
  • Increase your protein intake: Protein makes you feel fuller longer and boosts your metabolism. Chicken, eggs, avocado, and almonds (among other foods) are great sources of protein.
  • Take the stairs: In addition to eating less, take even small opportunities to burn a few extra calories. Take the stairs, park in the back of the lot, or take a short walk during your lunch break.

If you’re planning on heading out on your boat or watercraft this summer to show off your swimsuit body, first call Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency at 617-298-0655. We can help you with your boat insurance needs, and much more! And remember, stay safe while you’re out on the water!

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Partner Carriers

  • Arbella Insurance
  • Commerce
  • Mass Property
  • New London County Mutual
  • Norfolk and Dedham
  • Palomar
  • Pilgrim
  • Plymouth Rock
  • Safety
  • Travelers
  • Vermont Mutual