Vargas & Vargas Insurance

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Dorchester, MA 02124

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Summer Preparedness: Part 1: Vacation

You’d think preparing to go on vacation would be as tranquil as the vacation.  Too often it’s not.  The hectic days leading up to vacation time include preparing for the departure from home and office and preparing for the vacation. 

Here’s some tips that might help you prepare more efficiently…and more calmly…for your vacation.

The dreaded packing of the suitcase ritual can make anyone crazy!   Prepare for your packing process well in advance.  After all, many of the clothes you’ll take on vacation are not the clothes you wear everyday, are they?   Spend 20 minutes a week for the three weeks in advance of your vacation and pack small amounts at a time.  Setup your suitcase in one spot, where you won’t move it.  Then add to the suitcase in small increments. 

Passports, credit cards, plane/train tickets, printed itineraries need to be collected well in advance and stored together.   Any office supply store has perfect sized, closeable plastic envelopes and containers that  are ideal for collecting your important travel documents into a single convenient location.  Try to use a bright color for the container so it’s easy to find in a hurry, or in the dark.   If all else fails, a resealable plastic storage bag, the kind you use in your kitchen, is a great solution too.

In your address book on your Smartphone, create a new address category where you can save important phone numbers for easy access.  This way, in the event of an urgent phone call  you can pop open a single address category and access all the numbers you’ll need to call, text or email.  Remember, you’re on vacation!  If you have to make urgent contact with folks back home, you’ll want to do it quickly so you can get back to the real work of relaxing!

Checklists are the best way to efficiently prepare your home for your absence.  Windows locked? CHECK.  Alarm company notified of vacation dates? CHECK.  Lamp timers installed and correctly set to match sunrise, sunset? CHECK.   Think like an airline pilot: create a checklist and review the checklist at least two weeks before you leave for your vacation, and then once more the night before or morning of your departure.

Preparing your insurance for your vacation may be the easiest part of your holiday preparations.  One call to your Independent Insurance Agent to review your insurance policies can help you determine what you have, what you will need, what you’re covered for while you’re away on vacation.

Call us today to be prepared to vacation without a worry.

Call now at 617-298-0655 or text us at 617-409-0329.

Click here to Visit our Contact Us page.

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Tips for Meeting Your Neighbors

Whether you’re moving within the city, or are a new Boston-ite, settling into a new home can be exhausting. Getting settled in amongst half-unpacked boxes is no one’s cup of tea, but there is always the chance to unwind and be social by meeting your neighbors. If you have trouble with getting to know people, here are a few tips on how to meet your new neighbors.

  • Spend time outside. If you’re cloistered in your home, it’s hard to meet new people. Do some yardwork, take a walk, or go to a local park with your kids (or a dog park with your fur babies). Start introducing yourself!
  • Take a gift. You don’t have to wait for your neighbors to initiate a housewarming gift. Take over a plate of cookies or a bottle of wine and use it as a way to make others’ acquaintance.
  • Throw a party. You don’t have to have a fancy soiree, just invite the people on your street over for finger foods and drinks – you’re sure to make lots of new friends!

Once you know some of your new neighbors, consider swapping contact information with them. It’s always nice to have someone nearby that’s willing to keep an eye on your home while you’re on vacation or a source of help if you’re ever laid up and could use someone to pick up a prescription or a few groceries for you.

Boston is a very friendly place, so getting to know your neighbors should be easy and fun. And don’t forget to tell them about the great deal that Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency got you on home insurance for your new place! Invite them to call us at 617-298-0655 and have them mention your name!

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5 Things You Should Always Tell Your Houseguests

When you are planning to play host for a group of houseguests, whether for a weekend or an indeterminate amount of time, there are things that they should know. You need to tell them where to find their clean towels, and where the coffee is, for example.

According to the American Red Cross, there are a few other things you should go over with overnight guests for safety reasons, and they are easy to forget when a guest walks in for the first time. These tips include:

  1. The rules of the pool or hot tub, if either will be in use, especially if there are children visiting.
  2. Potential hazards for young children, including breakables and unsecured furniture. Designate an ‘off-limits’ room in which to store items that are hazardous.
  3. A health emergency plan, for events like allergic reactions (make sure to ask about allergens and special diets ahead of time and warn guests of foods to stay away from).
  4. The escape plan in case of fire, including locations of all emergency exits from your home.
  5. Location of a nearby shelter if severe weather strikes.

If you want some suggestions for activities in the Boston area that your guests will love, follow the Vargas and Vargas Insurance Facebook Page! We are always posting about upcoming events that can help you fill your time making great memories. And know that you can also always call Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency for a simple and free insurance review for all your Massachusetts insurance policies.

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Planning Your Patriots Super Bowl Party

The New England Patriots have done it again – our boys will soon be on their way to Houston to play in the Big Game! Now that we know the lineup, it’s time to start planning a watch party with a red, white, and blue theme (my apologies to anyone from Atlanta).

If you’re going to have anyone over to watch the game on February 5th, make sure that you consider these party planning and safety tips from your friends at Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency:

  • Ask your guests ahead of time if they have any food allergies, and plan your menu accordingly.
  • Before anyone arrives, move valuable and breakable objects to a room that isn’t a part of the festivities. If any of your belongings (or a part of your home) is damaged during the party, call your local insurance agent to start a home insurance claim!
  • Make sure that everything is safe for your guests – you don’t want any hazards around the house, like an icy sidewalk or rug that could be tripped over.
  • If you are serving alcohol, make sure that all partygoers have a designated driver, and don’t let anyone get too impaired.
  • If you’re going to be frying any of your party foods, keep guests (especially children) away from the fryer and out of the kitchen.

Have a great party, and make sure to show your Patriots pride on the Vargas and Vargas Insurance Facebook Page! We want to see how you are rooting for the team! And remember – to make sure that you are fully prepared for any house party, call for a free home insurance review at 617-298-0655.

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Partner Carriers

  • Arbella Insurance
  • Commerce
  • Mass Property
  • New London County Mutual
  • Norfolk and Dedham
  • Palomar
  • Pilgrim
  • Plymouth Rock
  • Safety
  • Travelers
  • Vermont Mutual