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How to Make Better Beverage Choices

How To Make Better Beverage Choices

Staying hydrated is so important to our bodies – in fact, water makes up more than half of your body by weight! Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water in order to function. Your body also uses water to maintain its temperature, lubricate your joints, and much more.

You need to make sure that you replace all of the water that your body loses naturally. Otherwise, you could become dehydrated, which can lead to fatigue, headache, confusion, and dizziness.

Most health care professionals say that everyone should drink between six and eight 8 ounce glasses of fluid each day. The truth is, though, that some fluids are better for you than others. Continue reading to find out if your hydration habits are correct, or if you could use a little help in making better beverage choices.

When you’re thirsty, have water

If you were to take one thing away from this post, let it be this: your beverage intake should consist of mostly water. It has zero calories, zero fat, zero sugar – water is all zeroes! It is fluid in its purest form, and will allow your body to hydrate while maintaining a healthy weight. If you’re feeling thirsty, don’t reach for a soda – instead, grab a glass of water to satisfy your thirst. It is especially important to drink plenty of water if you are active, if the weather outside is warm, or if you are an older adult.

Manage your beverage calories

It is almost too easy to intake several hundred calories each day in your beverages. Instead of reaching for soda or juice, drink water or unsweetened tea. This will lower your overall daily calorie intake (or free up a few calories so that you can have dessert). There are also lots of flavored water options available at retailers and grocery stores. If you want some flavor or carbonation in your beverages, try these instead of the typical calorie-laden beverages.

Have easy to access healthy drinks

It’s so easy to reach into a fridge or cooler to grab a soda – do your part to encourage your family to drink healthy beverages by making them the easiest to see and grab in your home. Pack water in lunch boxes and backpacks when someone leaves the house so that they have a healthy and convenient beverage at all times while they’re on-the-go.

Know how to indulge

Just like you sometimes indulge in a sweet treat, you may want to indulge in a beverage once in a while. Make sure that sugary beverages are just that – an occasional treat. Before you indulge, read the drink’s nutrition labels and make a mental note of how many servings and calories you are about to consume, and do so in moderation.

If you use this tips, you can help to ensure that your body stays hydrated and healthy – without all of the extra calories and sugar that are present in many popular beverages. And remember, you friends at Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency are here to help you stay healthy too! Just call 617-298-0655 to get a quote on Massachusetts health insurance today!

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How to Encourage Workplace Wellness – 4 Ways!

If you have a desk job, it may seem impossible to live a more active lifestyle. After sitting from 9-5 five days out of the week, you’re probably mentally exhausted. At that point, it’s much easier to relax in front of the TV for the evening than to focus on living an active and healthy lifestyle.

How to Encourage Workplace Wellness - 4 Ways!

The solution to this issue may be easier than you think – instead of making yourself move during the few hours that you’re at home during the day, take a more active role when you’re working! Here are a few tips to help you get moving at work:

1. Learn a few desk exercises.

Your desk at work doesn’t need to be a shrine to laziness! While you’re replying to emails or completing paperwork, get moving with a few exercises and stretches that you can do at your desk. For some, you don’t even need to get out of your chair!

Search the internet to find a desk exercise routine that works for your routine, and make a point to complete it a few times every day. If you need a reminder, make an appointment on your calendar, or make yourself a sticky note and put it in plain view.

2. Get moving while you work with a treadmill desk.

Want to take your workouts to the next level? Consider investing in a treadmill desk. They’re the latest trend in being active (along with standing desks). They cost a pretty penny, but they allow you to walk while working on a laptop – you could easily put in thousands of steps while being as productive (if not more productive) as usual.

3. Don’t skip lunch – take a walk.

You may be able to get a little more done if you eat work at your desk while catching up on emails, but you’re not doing your body (or your mind) any favors. Instead, take a walk during your lunch break. If the weather is nice, eat outside and enjoy the fresh air. When you get back to the office, you may find that a little respite from the corporate environment has left you refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your day.

4. Get your social network involved.

As we discussed in our “New Year’s Resolution” blog post, it’s always easier to achieve a goal when you tell others about what you aim to do. Let your family, friends, and coworkers involved in your success by asking them to hold you accountable to your goal.

If you want to be able to measure your success, consider purchasing a pedometer or fitness tracker – there are several on the market today, and some will track much more than just the steps that you take each day. On these, you can even set personalized goals that will motivate you!

Living a more active lifestyle is a great way to improve your health. If you want to do even more to protect your health, call 617-298-0655 to speak to a Vargas and Vargas Insurance agent about getting a top of the line Boston health insurance quote. Or, if you run a Massachusetts business, talk to us about getting group benefits and workers compensation for your employees.

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Four Types of Individual Health Insurance

If you’re in the market for an individual health insurance plan, you may be feeling a little lost. You’re looking for insurance to cover your prescriptions and visits to the doctor, but there are simply too many options available. For help wading through the sea of seemingly nonsensical letters that describe different types of coverage, see our handy guide below.

Four Type of Individual Health Insurance - Vargas & Vargas Insurance in Massachusetts

It’s important to realize that this is only a quick overview of the four major types of individual health insurance policies available. For a more detailed description (or advice concerning your insurance) call your Massachusetts insurance agent.

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

In an HMO, you are limited in your freedom to choose a health care provider. You must choose a Primary Care provider in your HMO’s network. That Primary Care provider will most likely need to issue you a referral before you can see any type of specialist.

Minimal amount of paperwork compared to the other types of health insurance policies. Predictable out-of-pocket costs, and co-pays for each type of care.

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)

With a PPO, you will have more freedom to choose your health care providers when compared to an HMO. This added freedom comes with a cost, though. Typically, a PPO has slightly higher out-of-pocket costs than HMO plans. There is also typically additional paperwork required if you wish to see a doctor out of the PPO’s network.

When you choose a PPO, you will need to pay a monthly premium, as well as copay or coinsurance for your doctor’s visits. In addition, some PPOs will require you to pay a deductible. There will most likely be no paperwork required when you see in-network doctors, but seeing an out-of-network providers may require you to full out a claim for in order to get reimbursed.

Point-of-Service Plans (POS)

HMOs and PPOs are without a doubt the two most well-known types of individual health insurance policies. What some people don’t realize, though, is that there are many other options available that may better fit their needs. For example, a Point-of-Service plan is a combination of an HMO and a PPO – with this plan you will have a primary care provider that will issue you referrals to specialists, but you still have the freedom to see out-of-network providers if you are willing to pay slightly increased costs.

The cost of a POS plan is typically slightly higher than an HMO, but less than a PPO. For some people, it is a good mix of freedom and affordability.

High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs)

Typically paired with a Health Savings Account (HSA), a HDHP is simply a health plan (it can be an HMO, PPO, or POS) with a very high deductible. In this case, the insured person pays for most of their health care out of pocket, with a cap if the maximum ‘out-of pocket amount’ is reached.

To talk to an expert about your individual health insurance options, and to find out more about the health insurance options offered here at Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency, all you need to do is call 617-298-0655. Our friendly and knowledgeable agents would be happy to answer all of your health insurance questions, as well as to get you a free quote on a new health or life insurance policy.

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15 Cheap and Healthy Foods for Your New Diet

Two of the most common New Year’s Resolutions are to lose weight (or eat healthier) and to save money. Unfortunately, there’s a stigma that these two activities are mutually exclusive – most people believe that healthier food costs more. Thankfully, this isn’t always true. If you’re a smart shopper, you can both save money and eat healthy.

15 Cheap and Healthy Foods for Your New Diet

To achieve this, all you need to do is evaluate the cost per serving of some healthy food offerings at your local grocery store. We recently found this article at WebMD that breaks down 15 foods that are healthy and cost less than $1 a serving. (Note: the percentages given are based on Daily Recommended Values)

Brown Rice – 1/4 cup of dry rice per serving – $0.18 – 170 calories, 2 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of protein.

Whole-Wheat or Multigrain Pasta – 2 ounces of dry pasta – $0.24 – 200 calories, 6 grams of fiber, and 7 grams of protein.

100% Whole-Wheat Bread – 2 slices of bread – $0.18 – 120 calories, 3 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein.

Nonfat Greek Yogurt – 6-8 ounces of yogurt – $0.89 – (Honey Vanilla) 150 calories, 14 grams of protein

Old-Fashioned Oats – 1/2 cup dry oats – $0.13 – 150 calories, 4 grams of fiber, and 5 grams of protein.

Frozen Vegetables – 1 cup of vegetables – $0.25 – (Classic Mix) 82 calories, 6 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, plus 115% Vitamin A, 8% Vitamin C, and 7% potassium.

Russet Potato – 1 medium potato – $0.33 – 168 calories, 3 grams of fiber, 5 grams of protein, plus 20% Vitamin C, 10% iron, and 25% Potassium.

Fresh Spinach – 4 cups of spinach – $0.66 – 20 calories, 2 grams of fiber, plus 160% Vitamin A, 40% Vitamin C, 8% Calcium, and 40% Folic Acid.

Canned Refried Beans – 1/2 cup of beans – $0.34 – 140 calories, 7 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber, 4% Calcium, and 10% Iron.

Canned Tuna – 3 ounces of tuna – $0.70 – 60 calories, 13 grams of protein, and 0.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids.

Jarred Marinara Sauce – 1/2 cup of sauce – $0.28 – 90 calories, 2 grams of fiber, 15% vitamin A, 10% Vitamin C.

Whole Wheat Pita Bread – 1 pita pocket – $0.40 – 140 calories, 4 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein.

Generic Brand Egg Substitute – 1/4 cup egg substitute – $0.30 – 30 calories, 6 grams of protein, 10% B12, 6% Vitamin A, 4% Vitamins D and E.

Frozen Edamame – 1/2 cup (shelled) soybeans – $0.56 – 90 calories, 8 grams of fiber, 10 grams of protein, 10% iron, 6% calcium.

Dried Lentils – 1/4 cup dried lentils – $0.10 – 120 calories, 11 grams of fiber, 10 grams of protein.

Add just a few of these items to your next grocery list and see just how much money you can save while still nurturing your body. And remember to inform your Vargas and Vargas Insurance agent about any lifestyle changes that you make – eating healthier and losing weight could end up saving you money on your health insurance policy! For more information, just call us at 617-298-0655.

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Medical Insurance: Inclusions and Exclusions

Do you know what your medical insurance

You know that you need a medical insurance policy, but do you know what your policy covers? Do you know what events and illnesses aren’t covered by your Boston health insurance?

While all policies have slightly different coverage based on the premium amount, the insurance provider, and other factors, the basics of a health insurance policy are typically the same.

What does a typical health insurance policy include?

As you would probably expect, health insurance covers most of your doctor’s visits. The most important of these is your annual physical with your general physician. In addition, your insurance should cover additional visits to other specialty doctors, including a dermatologist, podiatrist, optometrist, and more. The obvious exclusion to this list is your annual (or bi-annual) visit to the dentist, which would be covered by a separate dental insurance policy or dental insurance rider.

A health insurance policy will also typically include coverage for vaccinations. This includes those that you get at the doctor’s office and those given at a drugstore, like the flu shot. Your medications and prescription drugs will also typically be at least partially covered through your insurance policy.

The final coverage included in most Massachusetts health insurance policies is for emergencies. Trips to the emergency room are at least partially covered under nearly all health insurance policies, so rest assured: if you have a medical emergency, you don’t have to worry about your money in addition to your health.

What won’t my medical insurance cover?

Unfortunately, having a health insurance policy doesn’t guarantee you coverage for all health-related expenses. Here are a few examples of things that most policies don’t cover:

Deluxe Hospital Services: Your insurance will probably cover at least some of your surgery, but don’t expect it to cover hospital dry cleaning, or on demand tv while in your recovery room.

Court Ordered Tests: If you are ordered by a court to have a test done (for example, a genetic test) the fee for this test will come out of your own pocket.

Elective Cosmetic Surgery: If you want to get some Botox, a facelift, or a rhinoplasty, your insurance isn’t going to pay for it out of the goodness of their hearts.

Experimental Tests or Procedures: If you want to take part in an experimental treatment for a condition, you’re going to have to do it at your own risk, and on your own dollar.

Artificial Conception: If you’re having trouble conceiving, it’s not really a health risk. Your insurance company won’t pay for any fertility treatments, or artificial conception.

If you would like to know exactly what your Boston medical insurance policy does (or doesn’t) cover, all you have to do is call Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency at 617-298-0655. An agency representative would be happy to review your policy and tell you what your policy will pay for, and what you should expect to have to pay for out of your own pocket. If you are unhappy with your current coverage, we can also get you a free quote on a better, more comprehensive health insurance policy.

Photo credit: Dr.Farouk / Foter / CC BY

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