Vargas & Vargas Insurance

1133 Washington St
Dorchester, MA 02124

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Create a Family Emergency Plan

Hurricane season is in full swing here in New England – are you prepared? One of the best ways to make sure that you and your family are ready in case of an emergency is with a family emergency plan. If you don’t have one, here are some things that you should think about and decide:

  • Designate one out-of-town family member or friend that each person in your family can contact if there is an emergency. This person will be in charge of making sure that everyone is safe and act as a liaison between family members if needed.
  • Every person in the family should know the out-of-town contact’s phone number, as well as one phone number for each member of the family. “It’s in my phone” doesn’t count – these numbers should be memorized so that they can be accessed from anywhere.
  • Designate two meeting places in case of an emergency. One should be local – somewhere within a few miles of your home. The other should be further away in case of a more widespread disaster. Also make sure family members know the location of the closest shelter in the area.
  • All family members should know the locations of family emergency kits – including those in the home and in vehicles. Make sure everyone knows what is in the kits and how each item should be used.

Make sure that you are doubly prepared by keeping the Vargas and Vargas Insurance numbers among your emergency contacts. By having our office number (617-298-0655) and our after-hours line (617-322-5289) with your other numbers, you will be sure that you are able to get a claim going right away on your home, auto, or flood insurance policy if you need to do so.

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Massachusetts Traffic Safety Initiatives


We are all so lucky to live in the great state of Massachusetts. But I think there’s one other thing we can all agree on – traffic is sometimes (if not often) a mess. If you’ve ever encountered a traffic jam and thought you may never make it to your destination – fear not… you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are many traffic programs here in Massachusetts that are aimed at making the roads better for all drivers. Here are three examples of these traffic safety initiatives:

Click It or Ticket

Did you know that the national average for seatbelt use is 90%? However, Massachusetts has one of the worst seatbelt use cases – 78%. In order to raise the state’s seatbelt use to be closer to the national average, the Highway Safety Division has been using the Click It or Ticket campaign since 2002. It has worked wonders, and has greatly increased seatbelt use and the number of serious injuries and fatalities associated with vehicle accidents.

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

In 2014, 40% of Massachusetts traffic deaths were a result of impaired driving. In order to lower the number of intoxicated drivers, Massachusetts began the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” education and enforcement campaign, targeted at men aged 21-34 – the most likely group to drink and drive.

Move Over Law

First responders and police officers are hurt and killed every year while providing aid in emergency situations. In 2009, the state of Massachusetts aimed to keep these people safe by implementing the “Move Over Law,” which requires drivers to move into the next available lane (or, if no other lane exists, to reduce their speed) when emergency vehicles or personnel are present.

For more traffic safety tips, make sure that you follow the Vargas and Vargas Insurance blog. We love to post articles that will help to keep you and your loved ones safe while out on the road. And the next time you’re looking for a fair and honest auto insurance review, call our agency at 617-298-0655. We can help you save money while ensuring that you and your vehicle are protected in case of an accident

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How to Make the Most of an Afternoon Nap

It is truly unfortunate that napping is associated with laziness in today’s society. In truth, there are many benefits to polyphasic sleep, including lower stress levels and increased mood. Whether you need an emergency nap on a busy day, or you make it a point to get a snooze in every day, ensure that you get the most out of your afternoon siesta with the following tips:

  • Limit your nap to 20-30 minutes. This length has been proven to increase alertness without inducing grogginess or sleep inertia.
  • Choose your environment wisely – a nap while riding the T will never be as restful as one on a quiet couch or bed.
  • If you have trouble falling asleep for a nap, try using meditation techniques like breathing exercises to calm your mind.
  • Combine the benefits of napping and caffeine by having a coffee right before a short nap. When you wake up, you should be feeling the effects of both for a double boost!
  • Lavender is a scent that naturally lowers heart rate and blood pressure, so it can help you relax before you attempt to drift off.

Once you awaken from your nap, you will be more alert and ready to take on any task. Similarly, here at Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency we are ready to help you with all of your insurance needs! Call 617-298-0655 to speak to one of our agents about a free and no-obligation review of all of your insurance policies – we can make sure that you are fully covered and that you’re not overpaying for your policies. Sweet dreams!

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The ‘ABC’s of Boating Safety

Summer is finally here, and that can only mean one thing – it’s the perfect time to take your boat out and enjoy the water. So, grab a friend or family member and hit the deck! But first, make sure that you brush up on your boating safety with these quick ‘ABC’s of Boating Safety:

  • A – Avoid Alcohol: It is important that the person operating the boat is not impaired. Leave your alcohol ashore, especially since the effects of alcohol are exaggerated by sun exposure.
  • B – Be Prepared: You should always do two things to prepare for a boating trip in case of an emergency – make sure that someone on land knows your plans, and communicate your emergency plan to everyone on board.
  • C – Common Sense is Key: When you’re boating, make sure that you listen to your gut instincts. Don’t overload the boat with passengers (or gear), cut your trip short if you start to sense that a storm is brewing, and always carry the right safety equipment when you go out on the water.

Make sure that you share these safety tips with your friends and family as you prepare to take a trip out onto the water. And remember, if you want to talk to an insurance professional about the best way to protect your watercraft, call Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency at 617-298-0655, text 617-409-0329, or email us. We can get you a quick and hassle-free quote for Massachusetts boat insurance so that you can spend less time on the phone and more time out on the water!

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Partner Carriers

  • Arbella Insurance
  • Commerce
  • Mass Property
  • New London County Mutual
  • Norfolk and Dedham
  • Palomar
  • Pilgrim
  • Plymouth Rock
  • Safety
  • Travelers
  • Vermont Mutual