Vargas & Vargas Insurance

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Dorchester, MA 02124

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What Types of Water Damage Are Covered by Homeowners Insurance?

Is your home protected from unexpected water damage? Many homeowners assume their insurance covers all types of water damage—until they file a claim and find out otherwise.

At Vargas & Vargas Insurance, we’ve seen too many homeowners caught off guard by what’s covered—and what’s not. Water damage claims can be costly, and understanding your policy now can save you thousands in the future.

In this guide, we’ll break down which water damage scenarios are covered by homeowners insurance and which are not, so you can protect your home with confidence.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Burst Pipes and Sudden Leaks?

Yes, if the water damage is sudden and accidental, homeowners insurance will typically cover the cost of repairs. Common examples include:

dishwasher or washing machine malfunction leading to water overflow

burst pipe in winter due to freezing temperatures

water heater rupture causing significant flooding

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Burst Pipes and Sudden Leaks?

Homeowners insurance covers sudden water discharge, such as from a burst pipe, water heater rupture, or washing machine or dishwasher failure.


If water overflows from a clogged toilet or sink (it happens to the best of us) and causes damage, that damage will be covered by homeowners insurance.

Storm-Related Water Damage

Homeowners insurance will also cover any water damage resulting from storms such as rain, hurricanes, tornadoes, and more.

For instance, inclement weather causes a tree to fall on your home, insurance will also cover any water damage, such as mold or wood rot, resulting from the incident.

Damage caused from rain simply seeping into your home or flooding your basement is not covered, but we’ll get into that more below.

Sewer backup or water backup (available at an additional cost)

While not automatically covered in your homeowners insurance policy, water backup coverage can be included for an additional cost.

This insurance will cover you if a pipe, drain, sewer line or sump pumps backs up and causes an overflow in your home.

This is different from the “overflow” coverage listed above because the backup occurs deeper within the plumbing system than the drain.

To learn more about the differences between damages related to water overflow and backup, check out this article: Water Overflow vs. Water Backup: What’s the Difference?

For official guidance on flood insurance policies, visit the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

What Water Damage Isn’t Covered by Home Insurance?

While you may think you are fully covered “water damage” coverage does not actually mean all water damage. If the following water damage situations happen to you, they will not be covered under your homeowners insurance policy.

Gradual damage

As we already mentioned, homeowners insurance typically only covers water damage that is sudden and accidental, so gradual water damage, or water damage resulting from poor maintenance usually isn’t covered.

For example, if you have a small drip under your kitchen sink that you ignore for months, the damage it will eventually cause on your cabinets, floors, walls, or ceilings is considered gradual.

Because the leak could have been easily fixed before it caused any damage, insurance companies will not pay for this type of claim.

Some gradual damage scenarios include:

Water seepage into your home from cracks in the foundation
Leaks around roofs, windows, and doors
Leaks in plumbing

Source of water damage

While homeowners insurance will cover damage from a sudden and accidental cause, it will not cover the source of the water damage.

For example, if your dishwasher breaks and leaks, your homeowners insurance will pay for the damaged floor, but will not pay for the broken dishwasher.

Flood damage

Homeowners insurance does not cover damage from floods, which can have a variety of causes including thawing snow, a rain storm, a river or creek overflowing, or even a neighbor’s pool draining into your home.

If you want to be protected from flood damage, you will need to buy a separate flood insurance policy. What many homeowners don’t realize is that approximately 25% of flood claims occur in low to moderate risk areas. Being outside a designated flood zone doesn’t mean you’re safe from flooding – in fact, it might give you a false sense of security. The good news is that you can purchase flood insurance regardless of your flood zone designation, and premiums are often more affordable in lower-risk areas. Given the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, flood insurance is worth considering even if you’re not in a high-risk zone.

Keep your home protected from water damage:

Water damage claims can be complicated, and not all scenarios are covered by homeowners insurance. Understanding your policy before disaster strikes is key.

Without proper coverage, you could face unexpected repair costs, from water seepage damage to sewer backups.

We can help you by reviewing your policies to ensure you have the proper coverages to help protect yourself from water damage.

Review your policy to ensure you have the right coverage. If you’re unsure, consult with Vargas & Vargas Insurance to get expert advice.

At Vargas & Vargas Insurance, we’re committed to making insurance simple and stress-free. Call 617-298-0655 or visit today to make sure your home is fully protected.

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Why Was My Auto Insurance Denied? Top Reasons & Solutions

Getting denied auto insurance can feel frustrating and confusing. You might wonder, “Why was my application rejected?” or “What can I do next?”

At Vargas & Vargas Insurance, we’ve helped many drivers understand the reasons behind insurance denials and find the right coverage options—even if they’ve been turned down before.

In this guide, we’ll explain the most common reasons for auto insurance denials, how insurers assess risk, and what you can do if your application is rejected.

  1. Can a Bad Driving Record Get Your Auto Insurance Denied?
    Can a Bad Driving Record Get Your Auto Insurance Denied?
    Yes, your driving history plays a major role in whether insurers approve or deny your application. Insurers check for:
    Traffic violations (e.g., speeding tickets, reckless driving)
    At-fault accidents in the last 3-5 years
    License suspension or revocation
    Why does this matter?
    If you have multiple violations, insurers see you as a higher risk, which may lead to higher rates or a full denial.
    This revision makes the section clearer and more engaging.

Having a string of traffic violations or accidents, especially recent ones or those you were found at fault for, could be enough for an insurance company to deny your coverage application. Also, if your license has been suspended or revoked, carriers will likely not approve your application.

If you are not outright denied coverage, your driving history could still cause your policy rates to increase. To know more about what goes into the cost of your policy, read our guide on how much car insurance costs in Massachusetts.

  1. Age
    In addition to their driving record, insurers will judge a driver’s age when deciding to approve or deny their application. This is because younger drivers, such as teen drivers, are more likely to be involved in accidents when compared to older or more experienced drivers.

While insurance carriers will assess risk based on age differently, most insurers will deem licensed drivers “experienced” after 5-6 years of driving experience. Drivers without this level of experience may find themselves charged higher premiums on their auto insurance policy, or be denied coverage altogether.

Younger applicants may not be the only ones finding it more difficult to be approved for affordable coverage, as elderly drivers may be charged higher premiums or have their coverage denied as they age. To some carriers, older drivers present more of a risk to insure, as older drivers may cause more accidents.

However, some states prohibit insurance providers from denying auto insurance for discriminatory reasons, such as the age of the applicant. Massachusetts in particular limits insurers from basing their decisions on personal factors like age, marital status, occupation, and more.

  1. Auto Insurance Denial Due to Business or Long-Distance Driving?
    Believe it or not, where you drive your car could actually limit your insurance prospects. In addition to how often you drive your car, some insurers are reluctant to insure applicants who will frequently drive long distances.

So, if your daily commute requires you to travel long distances, cross state lines, or operate your vehicle late at night, you may find it difficult to get approved coverage when compared to commuters who live closer to work.

Additionally, drivers who are operating their vehicle for business may open themselves up to greater hazards that won’t be covered by a standard auto insurance policy. In some instances you may be eligible to endorse your policy to include a “business use” rating class, otherwise you may need coverage from a separate business auto policy.

Business use of your personal vehicle can also include any rideshare services – like Uber, Lyft or GrubHub. For more information on insurance options for this type of business use, check out this article: What is Rideshare Insurance Coverage? (for Uber, Lyft, GrubHub).

  1. Insurance score
    Insurers use this three digit number to help predict the risk of a client and the likelihood they will file a claim. Individuals with lower insurance scores tend to cost insurance companies more, marking them as a higher risk to insure.

Insurance scores are heavily swayed by your actual credit score, as insurers have seen correlation between low credit scores and a higher likelihood of filing insurance claims. In addition to your credit score, insurers will use several factors to determine your insurance scores, including: claims history, payment history, any recent bankruptcies, and more.

However not all states use insurance scores the same way, as some will restrict insurance companies from basing their decision to approve policies based on the score. Massachusetts, for example, does not allow carriers to base their underwriting, premium rates, or decision to renew a policy based on credit based scores like insurance scores.

For a further breakdown on insurance scores, read this guide: What Are Insurance Scores? (And How They Influence Your Insurance Policies)

  1. Address
    Some carriers take your address or where your vehicle will be parked/garaged into consideration when reviewing your application. Applicants who live in areas with higher rates of car break-ins, theft, or vandalism may have a harder time getting approved for auto insurance coverage.

Insurers may be hesitant to cover you if you live near a busy intersection prone to auto accidents, as they would consider the risk of you being involved in a crash too high.

Also, living outside an insurance company’s coverage area is a quick way to be denied coverage, making it important to check what states and areas the company you’re applying to works with.

  1. Type of vehicle
    Since insurance carriers are risk-averse, they may decline coverage for applicants looking to insure certain models of cars. This includes high end sports cars or collector models that could be prone to theft or expensive repairs/replacements.

However, every type of car will have its associated risks to insurers, even a basic SUV or sedan. While it may not be the only deciding factor in whether your policy is approved or not, it can contribute to the overall calculation insurers will make when deciding the risk to insure you.

  1. Insurance history
    Finally, if you are not a new policyholder and have a history of other auto insurance policies, carriers will look through your history to see if you would be a good fit.

Insurance carriers may be quick to deny coverage to policyholders that have had their auto policy canceled for non-payment in the past, or if they owe their previous carrier money.

What can I do if my auto insurance application is denied?
If you are initially denied auto insurance coverage after applying, you’re likely wondering what options you have for coverage. Since nearly all states will require you to carry auto insurance to legally drive, you’ll still need to receive coverage through other carriers or options.

If you aren’t informed why your application was denied, working with your trusted insurance agent or broker can help to determine the reason for your coverage denial. Occasionally applicants can simply be denied due to lack of information or misunderstanding – meaning reapplication may be possible with the same carrier.

After addressing the areas we mentioned above, we recommend reapplying for quotes from other insurers. If your risk is too high for standard coverage means, you may need to look into insurers that specialize in high-risk drivers.

For official guidance on high-risk auto insurance, visit the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).
Common reasons for denial include bad driving history, credit issues, or using your car for business purposes.
If your application was denied, talk to an insurance agent to explore alternative providers or high-risk insurance plans.

At Vargas & Vargas Insurance, we help drivers find coverage even after a denial. Call 617-298-0655 or visit to explore your options.

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Hard Lessons from California Fires: What Homeowners Are Learning About Their Home Insurance

Wildfires are devastating California communities, leaving thousands of homeowners struggling to rebuild. Many are facing an even bigger shock—learning too late that their insurance doesn’t cover the full cost of rebuilding.

At Vargas & Vargas Insurance, we’ve helped homeowners avoid financial disaster by making sure their coverage keeps up with rising costs, home improvements, and new building regulations.

In this article, we’ll break down the costly lessons wildfire survivors are learning and show you exactly how to protect yourself before it’s too late.

Outdated Coverage: A Common Problem

A homeowner from Paradise thought she had enough insurance. She’d bought her home for $300,000 in 2010 and kept the almost the same coverage all of these years to save money. Over the years, she:

  • Added a new kitchen ($45,000)
  • Built a deck ($15,000)
  • Updated all bathrooms ($30,000)

When her home burned down, she learned her policy would only pay the dwelling amount. “I never knew I needed to tell my insurance company about improvements,” the homeowner says. “Now I’m short $90,000 for rebuilding.”

The Hidden Gap: Construction Costs vs. Insurance Coverage

Another family from Santa Rosa faces a different problem. His insurance covered his home’s value, but he didn’t account for:

  • Rising construction costs (up 30% since 2020)
  • Labor shortages driving up prices
  • Material costs increasing due to demand
  • Inflation affecting building supplies

A home insured for $400,000 but requiring $580,000 to rebuild leaves the owner with a $180,000 shortfall.

Building Code Surprises: Understanding Ordinance or Law Coverage

Another story reveals another coverage gap. Their 1980s home burned down, and now they are learning about something called “ordinance or law coverage.” This special insurance helps pay for upgrades required by new building codes.

Here’s what it covers:

  1. Demolition costs if undamaged parts must meet new codes
  2. Required upgrades like:
  • Modern electrical systems
  • Fire sprinklers
  • Solar panels (now required on new California homes)
  • Enhanced insulation
  • Fire-resistant materials

Insurance Gaps Many Are Finding

California homeowners are discovering several common problems:

  1. Extended Replacement Cost Missing
  • Basic policies may not cover rebuilding if costs exceed limits
  • Many lack the 25-50% extra coverage buffer needed
  1. Coverage Didn’t Keep Pace
  • Home improvements never reported
  • Property value increases not reflected
  • Construction cost changes not considered
  1. No Temporary Housing Coverage
  • Some policies have inadequate living expense coverage
  • Rebuilding takes longer than expected
  • Temporary housing costs exceed policy limits

The Cost of Being Underinsured

Another family from Santa Rosa shows what adequate coverage means:

With Full Coverage:

  • Home properly valued at current building costs
  • Extended replacement cost adds 50% if needed
  • Ordinance or law coverage handles code updates
  • Adequate temporary housing coverage
  • Total premium: About $1,800 yearly

Without Full Coverage:

  • Basic policy with original purchase value
  • No extended replacement cost
  • No ordinance or law coverage
  • Limited temporary housing funds
  • Total premium: About $1,200 yearly

The $600 difference in premiums could prevent $200,000+ in out-of-pocket costs.

Protect Yourself: Essential Steps

Many California homeowners are learning painful lessons about their insurance coverage—after disaster strikes.

Without proper coverage, you could be left with hundreds of thousands in out-of-pocket costs, struggling to rebuild.

Your best move? Schedule a policy review today to ensure your coverage is up to date and fully protects your home.

At Vargas & Vargas Insurance, we specialize in helping homeowners avoid financial disaster by ensuring they have the right coverage. Contact us today for a free consultation, we can help you with:

  • Update coverage for home improvements
  • Add extended replacement cost coverage
  • Include ordinance or law protection
  • Review temporary housing limits
  • Ensure proper landscaping coverage

Why Act Now?

Another homeowner from Paradise shares: “I kept meaning to review my policy. After the fire, I learned I was underinsured by $250,000. That yearly review would have cost nothing but saved me everything.”

Trusted Resources

Learn more about proper coverage at:

  1. Insurance Information Institute: []
  • Complete coverage guidelines
  • Cost calculators
  • Policy review checklists
  1. National Association of Insurance Commissioners: []
  • State requirements
  • Consumer protection information
  • Insurance comparison tools

Take Action Today

  1. Schedule your free policy review with Vargas & Vargas Insurance
  2. Document all home improvements
  3. Check your building code upgrade coverage
  4. Review temporary housing limits
  5. Update landscaping coverage

Don’t wait for disaster to learn these lessons. A small investment in proper coverage now can save hundreds of thousands later. Contact Vargas & Vargas Insurance at 617-298-0655 today to protect your home and family’s future.

Remember: You can’t change your coverage after a disaster strikes. The time to review your policy is now.

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Lost and Stolen Property: How Renters Insurance Can Save the Day

Renters insurance is often underestimated, but it’s a powerful tool that extends far beyond protecting your belongings at home. One of its key benefits is coverage for stolen or lost possessions under a policy rider when you’re away from your residence. The professionals at Vargas & Vargas Insurance in Dorchester, MA are here to explain the various ways that renters insurance can be beneficial in these situations and others.

Missing Property During Airline Travel

Few situations are more uncomfortable than getting off a plane and waiting at the luggage carousel for your suitcase that never arrives. If it’s not due to a delay, your missing luggage has likely been stolen, and you’ll need to file a claim with the airline or your insurance company. Keep receipts to submit for any essentials you need to replace to continue your journey.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, airlines are required to compensate passengers for lost, delayed, or damaged bags. However, there are limits to this compensation, which is where your renters insurance can step in to fill the gap.

A Renters Policy Can Be Used in Many Theft Situations

Beyond stolen luggage, things can also be taken when you are closer to your home. If you leave your bike outdoors and it goes missing, or if you accidentally leave your laptop on public transportation and it’s not returned, it’s likely stolen. Renters insurance will compensate you for stolen belongings, both inside and outside your home. This includes items taken from vehicles, storage facilities, hotel rooms, and more.

It’s important to note that the cost of replacing these items must exceed your deductible for you to receive payment. This is why it’s crucial to understand your policy details and choose a deductible that makes sense for your situation.

Protect Lost Items: Invest in a Policy Rider

Adding a rider to your renter’s insurance policy provides additional protection for items accidentally lost. Jewelry, watches, cameras, and sporting gear are among the goods typically covered. However, the rider may not cover certain personal possessions like eyeglasses, phones, and some high-value electronics.

The Insurance Information Institute provides detailed information on what’s typically covered in a standard policy and what might require additional coverage.

Documenting Your Belongings

To ensure you can make a successful claim if needed, it’s wise to keep an updated inventory of your belongings. Take photos or videos of your items, especially valuable ones, and keep receipts for major purchases. Store this information in a safe place, preferably digitally, so you can access it even if your physical documents are lost or stolen.

Understanding Policy Limits

While renters insurance provides broad coverage, it’s important to understand that there are typically limits on how much your policy will pay out for certain categories of items. For example, there might be a cap on jewelry or electronics coverage. If you have particularly valuable items, you may want to consider additional coverage specifically for those pieces.

The Importance of Liability Coverage

While not directly related to lost or stolen property, it’s worth noting that renters insurance also typically includes liability coverage. This can protect you if someone is injured in your rental home or if you accidentally damage someone else’s property.

Safeguard Against Theft and Loss of Property

Stay protected for these incidents with a renters insurance policy, and perhaps even expand your coverage with a policy rider. The peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re protected, both at home and while traveling, is invaluable.

Contact Vargas & Vargas Insurance in Dorchester, MA to learn more about how renters insurance can protect you and your belongings, and to get a personalized quote. Don’t wait until it’s too late – secure your belongings and your peace of mind today!

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Winter Driving And Car Accidents

Winter is a good and delightful time of the year. It brings snow to make a cute snowman and enjoy a snowball fight with our friends and family. However, these attractive aspects can make winters dangerous for drivers. As the days get colder, the risk of road accidents increases. Therefore, taking precautionary measures and driving with complete focus is important to save your life. The NHTSA mentions many tips on their website, and here are some tips and tricks to drive your vehicle during cold weather safely.

Winter Driving Tips

Drive Slowly and Super Smoothly

The trick to safe winter driving in snow is being smooth with your accelerator, steering wheel, and brakes. Every push of the brakes, turn off the wheels, or throttle movement needs to be gentle, deliberate, and gradual. It would help if you tried to be as slow as you could while driving the car.

Avoid Involving in Distractions

Most accidents happen when the driver is distracted doing other things while driving. Therefore, avoid talking to the passengers when driving in extremely cold weather, never use your phone, eat food, or listen to music at high volume. You need to avoid every type of distraction if you want to avoid an accident.

Turn On Your Lights

Turning your lights on will help other drivers on the road to see you from far. Headlights can also make your vehicle visible on extreme fog days. This way, whenever other drivers notice you on the road, they will drive carefully around you.

Avoid Driving in Harsh Weather

This is another very important winter driving tip. Driving in winters can be extremely challenging. So, if you find yourself not having to drive in dangerous weather conditions, don’t push yourself to drive in these circumstances. Cancel your journey as soon as possible and head back to your house. If the weather is too harsh to get back to the house, go to the nearest place to relax until the condition becomes appropriate for driving.

Do You Need to Report Accidents?

Many people don’t report accidents if they are not serious. But this is a wrong approach. Not only do you reduce your chances of getting insurance coverage, but you can also save others. Wondering how? Well, report accidents to the authorities in your area to find ways to solve the problem. They first try to find the cause of your accident and then opt for different ways to resolve the issue. So, even if you had a bad experience, you can save others from going through the same trauma.

Wrapping Up

Besides the mentioned winter driving tips, you also need to install high-quality tires in your vehicle. It’s also vital to check the weather conditions before stepping out of your house. If you can, keep some important things on you while traveling long distances at night. This includes extra batteries, a torch, water bottles, and snacks. So, if you have to spend the night in your car on the roadside, you will have all the essentials to pass the night. Click here to read more.

Vargas & Vargas Insurance understands that sometimes you may not be able to stay off the roads and things happen. That’s why, as a premier local independent insurance agency, we strive to build the relationships necessary to customize your insurance coverage to your needs at the right price. Contact us today.

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How to Organize Your Insurance Policies to Help Your Spouse or Dependents Find Them

older couple organizing and discussing their insurance policy documents on the computer

Acquiring policies like life insurance can put your mind at ease and help you feel secure. But it’s only the start of formulating a game plan that will keep you and your family prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.  Part of your ongoing strategy must involve decisions about organizing and storing your policies so that they can be retrieved by your spouse or dependents as needed.  By following these guidelines, you can live your life without worrying about how your insurance policies will be stored and accessed.  

Choose a Secure Physical and Digital Location

Step one for organizing any insurance plan is to keep it in a safe place that only you — and others you give permission to — can open.  There’s so much personal information in policy documents that is important to protect, so we recommend using either a safe or lockable filing cabinet. Let your spouse or dependents know where the key or password is stored.  In addition to keeping the papers in a physical location in your home, consider sending a copy to a trusted lawyer or loved one who will also keep it safe.  

A digital copy can far outlast paper, which can be lost, stolen, or destroyed.  For this reason, definitely keep electronic records of your insurance policies.  Make a list of passwords for where your policies are stored on your computer, and share the information with your dependents so they can find them.  If you aren’t using software to store your insurance policy, you can scan your hard copy onto your computer.

Communication Is Paramount

While discussing your home or life insurance with your spouse and family can be uncomfortable, clear communication is going to be how you avoid any additional difficulties in case of a crisis.  Your dependents need to know which policies you have, and they should probably know the names of your agent, insurance company, and other important contacts.  Set clear expectations about how and when these should be accessed, and go over how you have stored everything.  By communicating effectively, you can avoid your family being another statistic in the millions of insurance dollars that go unclaimed every year.

Update Outdated Documents

Finally, you should keep everything up to date and know when your policies need updating.  There are many life events that can require you to update paperwork, including a new birth, a divorce, a new marriage, a change of address, business developments, and many more.  Seek advice from a qualified local insurance agent if you are unsure of when an update might be required.

At Vargas & Vargas Insurance, we can help you with these and other questions or concerns regarding your insurance policies.  Our ultimate goal is to assist you in any way we can with top-notch insurance plans and unbeatable customer service.

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Warning for Jewelry Owners: How to Avoid Fake Gem Lab Reports

Near the end of 2019, the Accredited Gemologists Association (AGA) issued an alert to consumers and its industry. The AGA had learned fake gem lab reports are circulating that feature the unauthorized use of AGA’s logo. AGA’s notice is similar to an announcement the Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences issued in 2018, when that organization became aware of fraudulent lab reports bearing its logo. The following tips can help jewelry owners and consumers avoid fake gem lab reports.

couple looking at watches in a jewelry store

1. An “AGA Lab Report” Is Always a Fake

Any report supposedly issued by the Accredited Gemologists Association or bears AGA’s logo is always a fraudulent report. The AGA is not a lab. The organization never issues gem lab reports.

2. Look Carefully at the Lab’s Name

Frequently, fraudulent labs try to confuse the public by using a name that’s very similar to the name of a respected laboratory. According to Jewelry Insurance Issues, a newsletter for the insurance industry, fake labs are using names such as GIE and GLA to mimic the name of the well-known and highly-respected GIA.

3. Research the Lab Report Number

Gem lab report numbers are checked easily online. Jewelry owners can enter the report number on the websites of trustworthy gem labs like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), Gem Certification and Assurance Laband American Gem Society Lab. Researching the report number may reveal conclusions such as:

  • No such report number exists.
  • The number is associated with a report that describes a different gem.
  • Your report is authentic.

4. Learn Other Signs of a Fake Gem Lab Report

Reputable labs do not assign a value to the gem or carry a retailer’s logo. If either appears on the gem report, the report has not been issued by a reliable, independent gem lab. 

The Takeaway

A gem lab report from an unreliable or nonexistent gem lab is completely worthless. Jewelry owners need to seek the services of a qualified gemologist who also has insurance appraisal training. The AGA maintains an online directory of accredited gemologists that can be sorted by state.

Your jewelry needs to be appraised to be properly insured at the right value. When you purchase new jewelry or receive jewelry as a gift, you should always notify your local independent insurance agent.

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Does Your Renters Insurance Cover Stolen Packages?

Most renters insurance policies cover replacement items everywhere, not just at your home. This includes items stolen off your porch or in front of your door. It also covers your laptop if your friend douses it in a latte at the coffee bar. It will even cover luggage that you may have lost on vacation.

woman receiving a package at her front door
Protect your packages with renters insurance and knowledge about your carrier’s claim processes.

However, one thing to consider is the deductible. Some deductibles are either $500.00 or $1,000.00. Since a renter has to pay the deductible, is it even worth filing a claim? If it was a $1,200.00 laptop or television, then it’s worth your time and the cost of the deductible. But if it was a $30.00 child’s toy, it may not be worth your time.

What Steps Should You Take If Something Is Stolen from Your Porch?

Research shows that over 25 million people have packages stolen every year. The majority of carriers have a package tracking system, so you can determine if it was stolen or just delayed. Along with renters insurance, you can use company claims policies to protect both your large and small deliveries. Each carrier has different rules:

United States Postal Service

USPS makes you wait seven days to file a claim. They need to know the sender and recipient addresses, tracking number, package dimensions, and a description of the package’s contents.

Always remember to insure the package. Without this step, the only thing you get back is the cost of the shipping.


FedEx lets you or the seller file a claim. They typically cover up to the lesser of $100.00 of the total shipment value or the total amount that you insured it for. FedEx processes claims quickly, so you should receive a payment within a week of filing.

United Parcel Service (UPS)

UPS also has a claim process for lost packages. UPS has online procedures for both lost and damaged packages. You can begin the filing process if you don’t have your package within 24 hours of the anticipated delivery time.


Amazon’s A to Z Guarantee for Buyers covers up to $2,500.00 of the purchase price. First, you must contact the seller for a refund. If they are unwilling to work with you, then you can file a claim. However, you must file the claim between 15 and 90 days from the purchase date. If the claim is accepted, you can get a full refund up to the 2,500.00 limit.

If you frequently have packages delivered to your apartment or rented home, or you’re worried about your belongings, renters insurance can help. Contact our team at Vargas & Vargas Insurance to learn more about the benefits of a renters insurance policy from a local service provider.

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Tip-Top on the Rooftop

Gravity combined with water can be an enemy to your property. 

Leaking water through even the tiniest of openings in your roof follows the laws of gravity. It will fall downward causing damage on its way to the inner sanctum of your home. 

The good news is that you can prioritize your to spend a little time on the weekend to prevent water from entering your home through your roof.

  1. Gutters.  Get ready for it. Fall is coming and and it’ll be time to clear and clean those gutters!  The thought of hauling oneself up on a ladder on a Sunday morning to claw through the muck of wet leaves and other detritus isn’t appealing.  Mostly, we think of this as a time-consuming activity that could otherwise be spent with our family. 
    In reality, frequent gutter clearing can be done fairly quickly.  It’s when we let the muck pile up that it sucks up our time.   More to the point, when you clean those gutters, you’re conducting a serious prevention campaign!  You’re avoiding the wood rot that happens from built up water that gets into the soffits of your house and under the shingles of your roof.  Once water gets in there, the damage is more severe than clearing out your gutters.
  2. Chimney caulking.  You’ll need to get up on the roof to check closely the caulking around the bricks of your chimney.  The caulking should not have broken or loose pieces and should have a uniform adhesion to the bricks.  Make sure the shingles around the base of your chimney are secure to the roof.   Check the chimney for loose mortar.
  3. Loose shingles.   Especially after a bad storm, taking a walk around your home for a visual inspection of your roof shingles, or, better yet, while you’re up on the ladder cleaning your gutters, can save you costly repairs.  Shingles should not have loose flaps or curled edges. Secure loose shingles and replace damaged or curled shingles.
  4. Overhanging tree branches and limbs.   Anything that’s too close to the roof and large enough can cause roof damage during severe weather, should be trimmed away from your roof.
  5. Ask the Pro.  It can’t hurt to have a professional roof inspection done every few years. Call us for assistance and a referral to an inspector.

Please check out our other blogs on claim prevention tips. You can reach us by calling 617-298-0655 or text us at 617-409-0329 for a free, no-obligation annual review.

Click here to Visit our Contact Us page.

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Walk Through Your House Like a Claims Adjustor

Hopefully you will never need this advice to come to fruition. 
Hopefully you’ll never have a claim. 

But this is what insurance is all about: preparation.  When you prepare for a catastrophe, an accident, a fire or a theft when you buy the right insurance coverage, you’re creating an opportunity to recover.  The money your insurance pays out in the event of a claim is paramount to that recovery. 

There’s one other step to take in your preparation. When you make a claim, often the insurance company sends out a representative to review the damage or the loss and to assess the amount of coverage that should be paid out.  This person is the claims adjustor. 

Never assume the adjustor is looking to provide you with an equitable settlement on your loss or damage.  The best way to get the best financial recovery is to prepare in advance. 

Let’s look at your homeowner’s insurance to prepare for a claim that, hopefully, will never happen.  Walk through your house like a Claims Adjustor would.  Pretend you’re the claims adjuster but with the interest in protecting YOU, the homeowner.

In the event of a theft, you want to show the adjustor the precautions you’ve taken to prevent break-ins to your home.  Is your alarm system properly installed?  Does it have independent power backup?  Are all locks, including those on windows, secure and adequate? 

For the lost valuables, did you prepare with a high-quality inventory of your precious items?  Of all your items that would need to be replaced in the event of a fire?

Do you have photographic evidence to show to a Claims Adjustor?  For very valuable items, did you get a professional appraisal and is that appraisal recent and current?

For damage to the home due to weather including flood*, can you clearly demonstrate that you, the homeowner, took all necessary precautions to protect your home? 

For example, have you diligently cleared large trees or tree limbs that could easily fall on your home?  Have you created storage solutions in the basement of your home to minimize damage to belongings in the event of a water-intrusion event?

Take an hour and do a complete walk-through of your home.  If you ever have to file a claim, you’ll dramatically improve your payout.  That will go a long way to the peace of mind you need to recover.

Call us today to learn about your homeowners insurance and how to protect yourself in the event of an unforeseen claim. Now is the time: before you need your policy to go to work for you.

Your health and financial health depend on it. Call us at 617-298-0655 or text us at 617-409-0329 for a free, no-obligation annual review.
Click here to Visit our Contact Us page.

*Flood insurance is always specifically excluded from homeowners. Please consult with your agent if you are interested in flood insurance.

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