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What You Need to Know About Phase Two of Massachusetts Reopening

The state of Massachusetts is reopening in phases. On Monday, June 8, Phase Two of the plan was initiated. With the peak of COVID-19 on the decline in the state, Phase Two for many parts of the economy and communities has had many businesses reopening their doors for the first time in months. Below are what residents can expect in the next couple of weeks. 

woman opening her store during Phase 2 of Massachusetts reopening

Retail Stores and Restaurants

At the beginning of Phase Two, restaurants with outdoor dining options were able to reopen to patrons. All dining tables are mandated to be six feet apart, allowing for the required social distancing requirements. 

Retail stores also can begin to open their doors, but capacity limits will be in place. In addition to staff members, only eight customers will be permitted in the building per 1,000 square feet. This allowance keeps the store at 40 percent or lower occupancy at all times. 

Healthcare Facilities

With non-essential services postponed during the pandemic, many healthcare facilities were closed indefinitely. During Phase Two, many of these facilities can start to reopen and resume standard services. Patients in the hospital will be permitted one visitor, which is up from the no visitor policy in Phase One. Non-essential and cosmetic surgeries will continue to be delayed during Phase Two with plans to resume in Phase Three. 

Child Care Services

If certain distancing requirements are met for child care and summer camps, they may be allowed to reopen during Phase Two. 

Lodging and Personal Services

All services that do not require close contact between employees and customers are able to reopen under the same social distancing requirements of six feet between individuals. In terms of lodging, hotels can reopen to guests. However, community areas such as meeting rooms and pools will not be allowed to open. 

Outdoor Recreation

As long as sporting events can be practiced and played with social distancing regulations in place, they will be permitted. All adult sports games will be moved to outdoor facilities during this phase in order for them to continue. Local and state parks will continue reopening for public use over the next couple of weeks. 

These changes are expected to continue throughout Phase Two, leading into the next phases as cases of the virus continue to decline. The importance of Phase Two is to allow Massachusetts residents the ability to acclimate back into society safely and cautiously. 

At Vargas & Vargas Insurance, we’re here to help you feel safe at home and as you work. Contact Vargas & Vargas Insurance today to maintain your insurance needs. 

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From the Vault: Choosing a Safe Halloween Costume

As Halloween approaches, it’s time to think about what you or your little ones will wear for the big holiday. It’s exciting to wear a costume, but when you’re out shopping, make sure that you follow these costume guidelines so that you and your children can have a sweet and safe holiday:

Make sure that your costume fits properly – When choosing a costume, make sure that you purchase the right size. As with clothing, costumes should be snug without being too tight. Make sure there are no tripping hazards, such as pants or dresses dragging on the ground.

Look for costumes that are flame resistant – Candles are a great way to set a spooky atmosphere, but they are a huge risk when wearing a costume. Ensure a costume is safe by checking to make sure that the outfit is flame-resistant.

Ensure proper visibility – If a costume requires a mask, make sure that they can see properly. This may mean altering the mask so that the eye-holes are larger, or opting for makeup instead of a mask. Remember, though, to always do a patch test on costume makeup before Halloween night.

Wear sturdy and comfortable shoes – It doesn’t matter if you’re trick-or-treating or going to a party, everyone should wear the right shoes for Halloween. Little ones may fight you on this one, but they will be miserable after just a couple of minutes of walking in other shoes. If they insist, bring a pair of comfortable sneakers and socks as a backup.

Avoid dangerous accessories – If there is a sword, broom, or other accessory that goes with your child’s costume, make sure that it is pliable, and will not injure your child if they fall on it. It also helps to make sure that accessories are lightweight and east to carry.

Make sure drivers can see trick-or-treaters – A big part of Halloween safety is making sure that you and your children are visible to drivers while you’re out and about. Children with bright costumes should be easy to spot, but dark costumes may need a little work to make them visible. Have children with dark costumes carry a colorful treat sack, or strategically affix reflective tape to their costumes.

Don’t overlook Halloween weather – Remember, it’s usually pretty chilly in Boston on Halloween night. Historical temperatures show an average high of 56 and a low of 42. Make sure that you and your children don’t feel that chill by choosing warm costumes, or wearing long underwear. Go out earlier to avoid the nightly temperature drop.

When you have all of these tips in mind, picking out a safe costume will be easy. And make sure that you stay tuned to the Vargas and Vargas Insurance Blog throughout the month for more safety tips. Call Vargas and Vargas Insurance for an insurance review at 617-298-0655.

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