Vargas & Vargas Insurance

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How Filing An Out Of State Car Accident Different Than One In Your State

Experiencing a car crash in an unfamiliar place can be frightening. Not only must you cope with the emotional and physical effects of the accident, but you’re in unfamiliar surroundings. You may have many queries at once, but the first one is likely to be “Do I still have insurance coverage when I’m not home?”. Let’s look into this matter further.

Where Does My Policy Cover?

You don’t have to be concerned if your auto insurance doesn’t seem to apply in other states; most policies cover all 50 states, and the U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico, and even the Canadian provinces. To make sure you understand exactly what your policy covers before traveling with your vehicle to another state or country, you should speak with an insured attorney. Note that going into Mexico or other South American countries may not be included in your insurance coverage.

What is included in my insurance coverage?

If you are involved in an accident out of state, your car insurance will adjust to meet the requirements of the state where the accident occurred. For example, if you are from Massachusetts, your car insurance will have minimum liability limits of 20/40/20 for property damage and personal injury protection (PIP). If you are involved in an accident in Georgia, their state requires minimum liability limits of 25/50/25 for bodily injury and property damage liability.

If you are in an accident in Georgia, your insurance policy’s limit for liability will automatically increase to the state’s minimum.

If you’re driving in a state with a lower liability limit than your home state, your insurance policy will provide the maximum coverage on your policy, even if it’s more than what the state you’re visiting requires.

What if the state does not have a “no-fault” policy?

In states that have a no-fault system, drivers must carry at least $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. This means that if an accident happens in one of these states, the PIP coverage will be used to cover any injuries regardless of who was at fault. In contrast, tort states do not use a no-fault system and the negligent driver is held responsible for any injuries resulting from an accident.

If you suffer an injury caused by a careless driver while travelling in the state of Georgia, which is a “fault” state, the driver would be held accountable for your injury and related costs. The law of Georgia will decide how to settle the incident and the insurance policy held by the responsible driver will determine how medical expenses and lost wages are dealt with.

In a no-fault state, the minimum PIP coverage required by law is the same for both Georgia residents and Massachusetts drivers.
The governing law in a no-fault state will be based on the state in which the accident occurred.

What is the best way to deal with a car accident occurring in another state?

  1. Always follow the standard auto accident checklist when involved in a crash, which includes checking for injuries and the safety of passengers, calling the police and emergency services, assessing and documenting damage, and contacting your insurance company.
  2. Depending on your insurance policy, your insurance may also cover additional expenses such as towing or repair costs.
  3. When speaking with your insurance company, be sure to let them know that you are in a different state so they can determine what coverage is available to you..
  4. Auto accidents can be confusing, so make sure to discuss your accident with your local independent insurance agent

Local Independent Insurance Agency

Vargas & Vargas Insurance is a local independent insurance broker, we work for you, the customer, and not any one insurance company, and we always have time for you. We shop around with many local and national insurance companies to offer you a tailored fit insurance policy for your specific needs. We have been helping first-time home buyers for over 40  years and teaching them about the significance of their homeowner’s insurance, call us today.

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Winter Driving And Car Accidents

Winter is a good and delightful time of the year. It brings snow to make a cute snowman and enjoy a snowball fight with our friends and family. However, these attractive aspects can make winters dangerous for drivers. As the days get colder, the risk of road accidents increases. Therefore, taking precautionary measures and driving with complete focus is important to save your life. The NHTSA mentions many tips on their website, and here are some tips and tricks to drive your vehicle during cold weather safely.

Winter Driving Tips

Drive Slowly and Super Smoothly

The trick to safe winter driving in snow is being smooth with your accelerator, steering wheel, and brakes. Every push of the brakes, turn off the wheels, or throttle movement needs to be gentle, deliberate, and gradual. It would help if you tried to be as slow as you could while driving the car.

Avoid Involving in Distractions

Most accidents happen when the driver is distracted doing other things while driving. Therefore, avoid talking to the passengers when driving in extremely cold weather, never use your phone, eat food, or listen to music at high volume. You need to avoid every type of distraction if you want to avoid an accident.

Turn On Your Lights

Turning your lights on will help other drivers on the road to see you from far. Headlights can also make your vehicle visible on extreme fog days. This way, whenever other drivers notice you on the road, they will drive carefully around you.

Avoid Driving in Harsh Weather

This is another very important winter driving tip. Driving in winters can be extremely challenging. So, if you find yourself not having to drive in dangerous weather conditions, don’t push yourself to drive in these circumstances. Cancel your journey as soon as possible and head back to your house. If the weather is too harsh to get back to the house, go to the nearest place to relax until the condition becomes appropriate for driving.

Do You Need to Report Accidents?

Many people don’t report accidents if they are not serious. But this is a wrong approach. Not only do you reduce your chances of getting insurance coverage, but you can also save others. Wondering how? Well, report accidents to the authorities in your area to find ways to solve the problem. They first try to find the cause of your accident and then opt for different ways to resolve the issue. So, even if you had a bad experience, you can save others from going through the same trauma.

Wrapping Up

Besides the mentioned winter driving tips, you also need to install high-quality tires in your vehicle. It’s also vital to check the weather conditions before stepping out of your house. If you can, keep some important things on you while traveling long distances at night. This includes extra batteries, a torch, water bottles, and snacks. So, if you have to spend the night in your car on the roadside, you will have all the essentials to pass the night. Click here to read more.

Vargas & Vargas Insurance understands that sometimes you may not be able to stay off the roads and things happen. That’s why, as a premier local independent insurance agency, we strive to build the relationships necessary to customize your insurance coverage to your needs at the right price. Contact us today.

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3 Things To Do NOW For Your Car Insurance. Number Two Will Shock You!

You’re driving around with the comfort and knowledge that you’re insured in the event of an accident that damages your car, you, or another person or their property. 

Your car needs occasional maintenance and fine tuning; so does your car insurance.  Here are 3 things you can do right now to fine tune, I mean review, with your Independent Insurance Mechanic, I mean Agent.

Improve the quality of your coverage and possibly lower your premiums NOW! 

  1. Uninsured and UNDER insured motorist coverage. 
    The two “Uns” will get you every time when involved in a motor vehicle accident. You’ll want to add this additional protection to your overall insurance policy.  The additional coverage will give you perfect peace of mind and protection against the incidents involving an uninsured motorist or a motorist with insufficient coverage to compensate you for damage to your vehicle or injury to you.

  2. Your collision deductible based on the year of the vehicle. 
    As your car gets older the value decreases.  Too often you’re carrying insurance coverage based on the original value of the car when you first insured it. When you discuss your insurance with your Independent Agent during your annual insurance review, be sure he reconfigures the  current coverage to reflect the current value of the car.

  3. Personal injury protection, also known as PIP coverage.
    This is a component of auto insurance that covers medical expenses regardless of who’s at fault, and often includes lost wages. Depending on the state in which you live, PIP is either an available option or a required policy add-on. It is often called “no-fault” coverage because its inherent comprehensiveness pays out claims regardless of who is at fault in the accident. Don’t get caught without this insurance because you didn’t know it was OPTIONAL vs. MANDATED by state.

Call us today to learn about these coverages and more. Now is the time: before you need your policy to work for you the most. Your health and financial health depend on it. Call us at 617-298-0655 or text us at 617-409-0329 for a free, no-obligation annual review.

Click here to Visit our Contact Us page.

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