“You get what you pay for.”
Everyone loves to shop for a bargain, a discount, a reduced price, more features for less money. One might also say, “You don’t get what you don’t pay for.”
When you’re buying insurance, the “don’t get” part and the “don’t pay for” part can lead to you paying a lot more money than you bargained for later on when you need the insurance the most.
Your insurance is supposed to be there to anticipate risks to your life, your livelihood, your wealth and your health. If you pay for less coverage because you need to get that bargain price, you’re putting all of the above at serious risk.
Time is money. Spend your time with an independent insurance agent. The independent agent is working for your best interest, both in today’s premium pricing and in tomorrows unforeseen costs.
For me, it’s difficult to be objective on this topic. I’m an independent agent in business for several decades. I can’t be objective when it comes to protecting my clients and providing them with the best insurance their money can buy.
If your sole objective is the lowest premium price, we can certainly help you with that goal. If your objective is the best premium price with comprehensive coverage that prepares you for worst case scenarios, we can help you with that as well.
If your objective is all of the above with the added value of a trusted, local, experienced insurance professional, the one who thinks of you as a real person and not an unknown internet shopper, then the Independent Insurance Agent is the only way to go.
So, what is your objective: solely price, or price combined with quality service, local experience and good old-fashioned “looking out for my reputation by looking out for the customer” business sense?
That’s not to say you can’t get lucky and find a direct connection online with an Insurance Carrier who can provide such experience, accessibility, superior service and price. It’s easy enough to spend your time searching.
In our experience as Independent Agents, we’ve heard the stories, lots and lots and lots of stories about consumer experiences when working with online quotes and purchasing from an unknown representative on the internet. Pretty much every time, these horror stories result because the consumer focused solely on lowest price.
Too often the lowest price online quote comes with no explanation of what exactly it is the consumer is buying. The coverage can be horribly mismatched with the customer’s needs. Many times, the online quote fails to consider local conditions that must definitely be taken into account to provide an accurate insurance policy for real risks unique to a locality.
Your local Independent Agent knows about those risks that may be unique to where you live. And your Independent Agent wants to work for your best interest, not the interests of the quick “low-price” sale.
Compare next time you need to purchase or renew insurance. Consider the time spent by your Independent Agent just on the initial interview questions. Those questions, and your answers to them, affect the advice you’ll receive on the best coverage for your unique situation.
Now match that to the experience of filling in some boxes on a webpage and receiving the instant gratification of the lowest premium price in seconds! Price: great! Coverage: unknown because it relies on the consumer knowing, in advance, the eventualities that come into play when assessing your needs of future risks.
We’d love to be on one side of your comparison shopping!
Call us today to experience the true value of your money when you work with an Independent Insurance Agent! Call now at 617-298-0655 or text us at 617-409-0329. Click here to Visit our Contact Us page.