It’s often said that “insurance is boring.” This notion probably leads many consumers to avoid communicating with their Independent Insurance Agent unless absolutely necessary.

Three “absolutely necessary” moments come immediately to mind:
- Increased Premium notification
- Notice to cancel
- A Claim
While you can only minimize your chances of ever having to make a claim on your insurance policy with smart, proactive and risk-aversion thinking, you can eliminate the first two instances of speaking with with your Agent.
The simple way to cancel out these two dreaded tasks is to speak with your Independent Insurance Agent twice a year. You might think you can cut that down to only once a year, around the time of your renewal period coming up. But twice annually is truly the ideal scenario to deal with this otherwise “boring” task.
Checking in with your Agent in advance of renewal time allows you both to update each other on developments.
For your part, you get to share news of:
* the new job
* the new child
* the vacation you’re planning
* the new jewelry or artwork
* the new addition to your home you’re planning.
Your Agent may find this information fascinating and entertaining, but, more importantly your Agent can react to your news with important information on how these wonderful developments can affect your overall insurance plan. And that call becomes worth its weight in gold. Because your Agent can then review your current policies for how those policies cover your new life developments.
If there are any challenges encountered therein, the kind that could affect a premium at renewal time, or worse, offer the carrier an opportunity to cancel the policy, your Agent has the chance to get out in front of the problem.
While you’re busy sharing wonderful developments, your Agent can also update you on any developments in the insurance realm that can either affect your current policies in a negative fashion (again, anticipating problems before they arise at renewal time), or potentially save you money by changing the coverages, policies, or even insurance carriers.
It’s not boring when you’re saving money and improving your insurance coverage. Make that call to your Independent Insurance Agent.
Twice. Every year.
Please schedule a call with us to discuss your policy portfolio to ensure you have adequate coverage at an affordable price.