Saving money isn’t a responsibility you should hand off to someone else, especially if that someone else is the insurance company.
Knowledge is power. With these 5 tips, you’ll have the power you need to negotiate lower premiums with your insurance carrier. Take back the responsibility and own your power!

- Take a defensive driving class. Providing proof of your renewed defensive driving class will save money. In some states for 3 years.
- Shop for other carriers. You should speak with your Independent Agent at least annually to see if your current carrier and other insurance carriers can offer lower premiums on the same (or higher) coverages when available.
- Reduce your coverage as your car gets older. Because you’re reviewing your policies annually, you can discuss updating your policy based on the advancing age of your vehicle. Collision can be expensive and may not be required.
- Increase your deductible. Look for the perfect equilibrium between the affordability of a larger deductible and lower premiums.
- Bundle your auto coverage with your Homeowners and Umbrella Liability policy. Can you say “Multi-Line Discount?”
These five simple steps can help you save hundreds of dollars in a given period of time. All it takes is a few minutes to own your power and make the call!
Speaking of calling…call us today to learn about saving money on your insurance portfolio. Your piggy bank will thank you and so will we!
You can reach us by calling 617-298-0655 or text us at 617-409-0329 for a free, no-obligation annual review. Click here to Visit our Contact Us page.