We encourage people to conduct an annual review of their insurance policies. Too often, when consumers purchase insurance, they approach the transaction with an eye towards prompt resolution and a focus on price. This formula of speed+money is a formula for failure in the event of a future claim.
The reason is simple. A carelessly prepared insurance policy, one prepared in the heat of the customer’s desire for a quick resolution and demand for lowest price could result in a “skeleton” policy that may not properly cover the consumer for a catastrophic eventuality.
The quality insurance agent, interested in protecting the consumer with the best possible risk coverages, and in protecting their own professional reputation, will take the time to educate the consumer and provide a comprehensive insurance policy.
You may be surprised to discover that there are 3 items, indicated below, that may not be covered by your current Homeowners Insurance Policy. Spoiler alert, #3 may surprise you! We’re happy to assist you with a comprehensive, careful, review of all of your insurance needs. And, education is a key element to how we’ll proceed with assisting you to fully understand risks you can protect for with the right insurance.
#1: Sewer Backup. Whether your home is connected to a public sewer or you have a septic system, a backup due to a blockage, storm-surge, or other calamity, can damage electrical systems, furniture, floors, and precious possessions. Standard homeowners insurance policies may not cover you at all for such damage or may only provide very limited coverage. You can upgrade to more comprehensive insurance to include special coverage for sewer backup.
#2: Precious Collectibles. Basic insurance policies may not cover your stellar baseball card or antique cookie jar collections. If the policy does cover your collection, the limit of coverage may be far below the actual value of your collection. When you review your insurance, be sure to mention your collection and an assessment of its value. To be sure, consider obtaining an independent appraisal of your collection to include that with your upgraded, comprehensive Homeowners Insurance policy.
#3: Termite infestation and damage. Not covered by a standard, basic policy. Period. Depending on where you live, especially in the Northeast of the United States, termites and the damage they cause are a real and impending menace. Homeowners often realize there’s an infestation long after the termite colony has ensconced itself within the wooden borders and interior of your home. The cost of treating and removing the infestation, along with the costs of repairing the damage, can easily escalate. Be sure to address these concerns in your annual review. Consider also contracting with a local exterminating company to inspect your home annually for these nasty pests.
Insurance involves assessing a future, unknown risk. That risk could affect your health and/or your wealth. A carefully prepared insurance policy protects you for a comprehensive array of possible risks. But in the rush to purchase the insurance, the consumer shops without the appropriate due diligence. And, in the interest of making the sale, an insurance agent may simply provide the basics of a policy to appease the consumer’s request for speed and low price.
Call us today for your free annual insurance review. We’re thrilled to spend the time with you to find you the best policy that comprehensively protects your health and your wealth at an affordable price!
Call now at 617-298-0655 or text us at 617-409-0329. Click here to Visit our Contact Us page.