Vargas & Vargas Insurance

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How Insurance Companies Set Your Rates

If you’ve ever applied for a loan or are currently paying off a credit card, you’re probably familiar with credit scores. But have you heard of insurance scores? Much like credit scores, insurance scores are used by insurance companies to predict how likely you are to file a claim, pay your insurance on time and thereby assess your risk level as a client.

At Vargas & Vargas Insurance, we often receive questions about what exactly insurance scores are, how they’re determined, and how they can affect your insurance policies. In this article, we’ll dive into all these questions to give you a clearer understanding of insurance scores.

Understanding Insurance Scores

Insurance scores are three-digit numbers that insurance companies use to evaluate the potential risk of insuring a new client. These scores help insurers decide if they want to take you on as a client and how much to charge you for your premium. A higher score means you’re seen as less of a risk, which could lead to better insurance offers, while a lower score might make it tougher to find affordable coverage.

Independent Insurance agencies, such as Vargas & Vargas Insurance, don’t use or have access to these scores themselves—this is something that the carriers handle directly using their own unique algorithms (think of it like a secret sauce). Because each carrier uses a different formula, your insurance score can vary from one insurer to another.

How Credit Scores Influence Insurance Scores

Yes, your credit score plays a significant role in determining your insurance score. Insurers have found a correlation between low credit scores and a higher likelihood of filing claims. The idea is that if someone manages their finances well, they are also likely to be responsible in other areas of their lives, such as driving safely or maintaining their home, thereby reducing potential risks.

It’s important to note, however, that while your credit score affects your insurance score, the reverse is not true—your insurance activities don’t impact your credit score.

State Regulations on Insurance Scores

The use of insurance scores isn’t uniform across all states. For instance, in Massachusetts, insurance carriers are prohibited from basing premium rates or decisions on policy renewals on credit-based scores. However, insurers may still consider these scores when deciding whether to take on a new client. Other states that limit or prohibit the use of insurance scores include California, Hawaii, Maryland, Michigan, and Washington.

If you live in one of these states, other factors will play a more significant role in determining the cost of your insurance policies.

Calculating Insurance Scores

When calculating your insurance score, carriers predominantly consider your credit score. However, other factors can also influence your score, including:

  • Your history of insurance claims
  • Your driving record, including any past accidents
  • How regularly you make timely payments
  • Your total amount of outstanding debt
  • The length of your credit history
  • The variety of credit types you have
  • How often you’ve applied for new credit
  • Any recent bankruptcies or foreclosures

Keep in mind that different insurers might prioritize some factors over others or might consider additional elements in their calculations.

Improving Your Insurance Score

Improving your insurance score largely revolves around enhancing your credit score and being a responsible policyholder:

  • Make sure to pay all your bills on time.
  • Work on reducing your overall debt.
  • Avoid taking on new credit lines unnecessarily.
  • Be a safe driver and conscientious homeowner to avoid claims where possible.

Can You Check Your Insurance Score?

When receiving a policy quote, you can ask the insurance company if they used your insurance score in their decision-making process. While you might not be able to access your specific insurance score easily, understanding your credit score can give you a good indication, as it’s a major component of the insurance score.


Understanding insurance scores is essential for anyone looking to purchase insurance. These scores play a significant role in how insurers assess your risk and determine your premiums. At Vargas & Vargas Insurance, we are always ready and willing to help you navigate through the complexities of insurance scores and ensure you find coverage that meets your needs. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at 617-298-0655.

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How to Know When It’s Time to Get Umbrella Insurance

At Vargas & Vargas Insurance in Dorchester, MA, we help our clients get the right amount of coverage to protect all of their assets and more. Sometimes, you may need more coverage than what a standard commercial, auto, or homeowner’s insurance policy provides. In those cases, umbrella insurance can be a game changer that ensures that your home, car, or business has the appropriate level of protection.

What Is Umbrella Insurance?

Like an umbrella, umbrella insurance provides extra protection when standard insurance policies aren’t enough. In the same way, you’ll use an umbrella when your rain boots and raincoat don’t keep you dry enough; you can leverage umbrella insurance when liability or other expenses extend beyond your standard policy. When you have a primary insurance policy that pairs with umbrella insurance, you can rest assured that you will be able to handle any financial emergency that comes your way.

How to Tell If You Need Umbrella Insurance

You can get umbrella insurance if you have a primary insurance policy that pairs with it and meets the minimum requirements for having it. When you possess a net worth exceeding $500,000, umbrella insurance is important to hold to avoid financial downfall in a qualifying event. Since standard insurance policies for your home and car usually don’t provide more than $500,000 as a limit, you won’t want to find yourself in a pickle if you fail to get umbrella insurance. Since no insurance policy offers retroactive coverage, it’s better to get umbrella insurance if you meet the requirements than hold off until you feel like getting it.

For more information on how umbrella insurance can help, call us at Vargas & Vargas Insurance in Dorchester, MA!

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ACT FAST! Emergency Home Owners Insurance You Need Today!

Having trees on your property can bring lots of benefits. They provide shade, improve air quality, and even boost your home’s curb appeal. However, there are also risks, especially if the trees are close to your house or other structures.

So, what happens if a tree falls on your house? Does insurance cover it? Let’s explore everything you need to know about what you should expect from your homeowner’s insurance in such a situation.

Immediate Actions to Take When a Tree Falls on Your House

When a tree falls on your house, whether due to high winds, lightning, or heavy rain, knowing the right steps to take can help protect your family and minimize damage to your home.

1. Immediately Evacuate:
Safety first. If a tree falls on your house, make sure everyone evacuates safely. Have a plan in place so that all family members know the best exit routes and where to meet safely outside the home.

2. Call 911:
Once everyone is safe, call emergency services to report the incident. They may send someone to check the structural safety of your home or to address potential hazards like gas leaks.

3. Don’t Attempt Repairs Yourself:
Avoid trying to remove the tree or making repairs during a storm. Conditions could be dangerous, and you might cause further damage.

4. Contact Your Insurance Company:
Notify your insurance company about the incident. They will guide you on the next steps and how to file a claim.

5. Find a Trustworthy Contractor:
To repair any damage, it’s essential to choose a reliable contractor. Be cautious of scams, especially from storm chasers who take advantage of such situations.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Tree Removal and Damage?

Most homeowner’s insurance policies cover tree removal and damages if the tree falls on a covered structure, like your house, due to a peril covered under your policy (such as storms or lightning). Here’s what’s typically covered:

  • Removal Costs: If a tree falls on your home, insurance usually covers the cost of removing the tree from the damaged structure to make repairs possible.
  • Damage Repairs: Insurance often helps pay for repairs to your home if a tree falls due to natural disasters covered by your policy.

However, if the tree falls on your lawn or driveway without damaging any insured structure, removal costs might not be covered unless it blocks a driveway or a ramp designed to assist the handicapped.

What About Damage from a Neighbor’s Tree?

If a tree from your neighbor’s property falls on your home, your homeowner’s insurance should cover the damages and removal costs as if it were your own tree, under the same conditions. If the tree fell due to your neighbor’s negligence (like a known, untreated disease), your insurance company might seek reimbursement from your neighbor’s insurance through a process called subrogation.

Insurance Coverage Limits and Deductibles

Your coverage limit is the maximum amount your insurance will pay for a covered loss. You also need to consider your deductible — the amount you pay out of pocket before insurance kicks in. Make sure your coverage limits align with the value of your property and that you can comfortably afford your deductible.

Preventative Measures and Maintenance

To prevent potential damage, regular maintenance on the trees on your property is crucial. Remove dead or diseased trees, trim overhanging branches, and assess tree health regularly. This proactive approach not only protects your property but also can help avoid disputes with neighbors over tree issues.

Choosing the Right Insurance

Selecting the right homeowner’s insurance is crucial. Make sure you understand what your policy covers and what it doesn’t. If you live in an area prone to certain natural disasters, like heavy winds or earthquakes, consider additional coverage options to ensure full protection.


Knowing how your homeowner’s insurance responds if a tree falls on your house gives you peace of mind and helps you prepare for emergencies. Regular maintenance and understanding your policy are key to managing your property safely and effectively.

And remember, the team at Vargas & Vargas Insurance can be reached at 617-298-0655 and is always ready and willing to help with your insurance needs and questions. We’re here to ensure you have the right coverage for your home and to assist you through any claims process.

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Insuring Your Summer Toys (Motorcycle, ATV, Boat and RV’s)

With sunny days and outdoor adventures back on the agenda, it’s time to gear up for summer fun! Whether you’re planning days spent boating, jet skiing, ATVing, or RVing, or hitting the open road on two wheels, it’s essential to ensure your summer “toys” are adequately insured. In this blog, we’ll delve into why having the right insurance coverage is crucial and provide some vehicle-specific guidance to help you stay protected.

Unpredictable Weather:
Summer weather can be unpredictable, with Mother Nature sometimes throwing unexpected curveballs like severe storms, floods, or hail. Insurance acts as a protective shield to ensure you’re covered, no matter what the summer weather brings.

Theft, vandalism, and accidents can happen at any time, even during the summer months. Adequate insurance coverage guarantees a stress-free summer, knowing you’re protected against unexpected mishaps.

Home Insurance Exclusions:
Most home insurance policies exclude coverage for motorized vehicles. Specialized policies are required to ensure comprehensive protection for your summer toys.

Financing Obligations:
If you finance or lease any of these items, maintaining insurance is often a requirement, even if specific states don’t require it. It’s crucial to ensure you meet your financing obligations by having the right insurance coverage in place.

Now, let’s dive into some vehicle-specific guidance:

Home and auto policies don’t cover motorcycles. You’ll need a motorcycle insurance policy, with premiums based on factors like your bike type and driving record. It’s essential to have the right coverage to protect yourself and your bike on the road.

ATV insurance offers similar coverage options to motorcycle insurance, with potential savings for installing safety features. Ensuring your ATV is properly insured provides peace of mind while enjoying off-road adventures.

Consider an actual cash value policy for affordability when insuring your boat. Smaller watercraft may be covered under your homeowner’s policy, but it’s crucial to review your coverage to ensure adequate protection. Additionally, storing your boat in a safe and secure location when not in use helps prevent theft and damage.

Different types of RVs require varying insurance coverage. Your premiums may be influenced by how you use your RV, whether for full-time living or occasional recreation. It’s essential to have the right coverage tailored to your RV usage to protect your investment and enjoy worry-free travels.

If you’re interested in more information or know someone who recently purchased one of these vehicles, please know that we are here to help. Feel free to reach out anytime or share our information with others in your network. Our team can be reached at 617-298-0655 and are dedicated to ensuring you have the right insurance coverage to enjoy a fun-filled, worry-free summer.

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