Moving is stressful for everyone. Even the most organized people can become overwhelmed at the thought of the necessary logistics to relocate. This stress increases by orders of magnitude when children are involved. If you are planning to move within the Boston area with your children, consider the following tips to make the transition easier for everyone involved:
Telling Your Kids About the Move
Kids – especially younger ones – are creatures of habit. This means that uprooting them from the home that they know and love is probably going to be a big deal. Help them get used to the upcoming change by telling them about it well in advance, and make sure that you have a positive attitude when talking about the impending relocation. Prepare them by telling them what will be different but also tell them what will stay the same so that they can retain a sense of normalcy.
To help younger children prepare for what will happen when you move, consider getting a book on moving. There are several available that will help little ones understand that the process doesn’t have to be scary. You can also share the story of the first time you moved with your kids to help them understand that moving is a normal part of life.
Choosing a New Home with Your Kids
If your kids are old enough, you might want to let them get in on some of the house hunting fun. Ask what they would want in your next home – maybe a bedroom that they don’t have to share, or a big backyard, or a bonus room that could be used just for hanging out? When choosing a home, make sure to research which schools the house is assigned to, don’t just assume it is the closest one!
Once you choose a home, let your child help decorate their room. Give small children a few choices on colors to paint the walls or rugs to put next to their bed. Teenagers can be given additional freedom to make their own choices (within reason, as always – no one wants to paint bedroom walls black!)
Tips for Packing Your Home
Your child probably won’t adjust well to having all their favorite things in boxes, so plan on packing their room as late as possible. Let younger kids feel like they can contribute and have some control over the move by placing them in charge of packing a box or two – preferably something that can’t break like stuffed animals. If your move will take more than a day, allow your child to keep a small bin of their most favorite toys with them during travel to ease separation anxiety.
As you know, moving is also the perfect excuse to get rid of old stuff that you don’t use any more. Encourage your child to choose some of their older toys to be sold at a moving sale or to be donated to a local organization for underprivileged kids.
Moving Day is Here!
Only you know what is best for your child, so only you will be able to decide what the best course of action is on days when packers and movers will be at your home. Some families know that their little one will need to be out of the house and opt for daycare or having a friend or family member watch their child. Other children would rather be involved and see the move happen – just ensure that they will be able to stay out of the way and out of trouble for the duration of the process.
Unpacking Made Easy
Make your child’s room one of the first things you unpack when you arrive at your new home. (If anything is broken during the move, find out if your Boston home insurance policy will cover the damage.) As you unpack, take your child with you to meet your new neighbors – especially if they have kids around the same age.
Settling in to Your New Place
Once you’re unpacked, you will have the opportunity to explore your new community with your kids. If they have changed schools, it may help them to see their new school before their first day. If it would help, ask your school for a list of children in your child’s class so that you can arrange playdates ahead of time. Having friends on the first day will make the transition a lot easier for most kids. A scoop of local ice cream never hurts either! There are tons of fun activities in Boston that you can do with your kids to show them how great their new home is.
As you continue to plan for a Boston move with your family, call Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency at 617-298-0655 for help getting the right insurance protection for your new home. We will make sure that you and your family are ready to handle anything that comes your way.