Tips for Meeting Your Neighbors
Whether you’re moving within the city, or are a new Boston-ite, settling into a new home can be exhausting. Getting settled in amongst half-unpacked boxes is no one’s cup of tea, but there is always the chance to unwind and be social by meeting your neighbors. If you have trouble with getting to know people, here are a few tips on how to meet your new neighbors.
- Spend time outside. If you’re cloistered in your home, it’s hard to meet new people. Do some yardwork, take a walk, or go to a local park with your kids (or a dog park with your fur babies). Start introducing yourself!
- Take a gift. You don’t have to wait for your neighbors to initiate a housewarming gift. Take over a plate of cookies or a bottle of wine and use it as a way to make others’ acquaintance.
- Throw a party. You don’t have to have a fancy soiree, just invite the people on your street over for finger foods and drinks – you’re sure to make lots of new friends!
Once you know some of your new neighbors, consider swapping contact information with them. It’s always nice to have someone nearby that’s willing to keep an eye on your home while you’re on vacation or a source of help if you’re ever laid up and could use someone to pick up a prescription or a few groceries for you.
Boston is a very friendly place, so getting to know your neighbors should be easy and fun. And don’t forget to tell them about the great deal that Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency got you on home insurance for your new place! Invite them to call us at 617-298-0655 and have them mention your name!